Happy old couple

If you are planning on retirement, you might consider possible upcoming challenges. Some fundamental legal documents need to be drafted as you look toward retirement and the golden years, according to Gambit in “The legal needs of aging parents.” Among the key challenges for people planning on retirement is the need to save money, learn […]

Elder Couple with Bills

Even though federal tax reform legislation is an uncertainty, the elderly can prepare for possible changes. As the possibility of federal tax reform looms, people in retirement do have some options that could prepare for potential changes, according to USA Today in “Retirees: 4 ways you can start planning for possible tax law changes now.” […]

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The earlier dementia is diagnosed, the better the chance of slowing its progress. Researchers have discovered a new sign of possible upcoming dementia in a sense of smell, according to The New York Times in “Poor Sense of Smell May Signal Dementia.” Early diagnosis of dementia allows professionals to develop treatment plans that will slow […]

Elder Couple with Bills

A woman in Spain was mistakenly ruled dead and now she finds herself in a nightmare. Yes, it can happen here, too! There is a master government list in the U.S. that has your name and other identifying information on it. When you pass away, it will be recorded and your death will be noted […]

Senior Couple At Home

Obtaining a legal remedy can be difficult, if a guardian of an elderly person is doing a questionable job. A couple suddenly found their life savings were used up and they had to move into a converted office with their daughter, according to The New Yorker in “How the Elderly Lose Their Rights.” The article […]

colorful art

There seem to be no popular options that will fix the growing problem. The problem of under-funded public pensions is severe and not isolated to just a few public programs, according to the Economist in “American public pensions suffer from a gaping hole.” While most private companies have moved to 401ks, public employees still have […]

senior couple talking

If the elderly have problems handling their finances, Social Security has a helpful option. Families sometimes have problems with elderly family members losing the ability to handle their own finances. A general durable power of attorney can help. Social Security also has a program that can help in the situation of receiving their checks, according […]

Senior woman contemplating

When a spouse passes away, some elderly women need help with handling finances. Many women defer family finances to their husbands. This is especially true for older women, which can leave the women ill-prepared to handle things after their husbands pass away, according to The New York Times in “Helping Women Over 50 Face Their […]

doctor with female patient

Physician-assisted death law creates dialogue between doctors and patients. The Los Angeles Times recently reported an unexpected benefit of the physician-assisted death law in California, according to the Los Angeles Times in “There’s an unforeseen benefit to California’s physician-assisted death law.” One thing the law does is force physicians to talk to their patients about […]

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If reform does not occur by the 2030s, benefits will most likely not be stopped, but will be reduced. Washington has known for a long time now that Social Security needs to be reformed, but it is not expected soon, according to Forbes in “When Can You Expect Social Security Reform?“. The problem is that […]