Money laundering

New Jersey considers blood and organ donation tax credit. A lack of organ donations can cause unnecessary deaths. The New Jersey Assembly is considering another idea to increase donations, according to the Tax Foundation in “Organ Donation Tax Credits: A Life or Death Proposal?.” Getting people and their families to agree to donate organs has […]

Finger Pressing Button on Calculator

It would wise of people to consider an estate tax bill, regardless of the size of their estate. There are some forgotten estate taxes that can create problems, according to Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog points out in “Don’t Underestimate State Estate Taxes.” Most people will pay attention to the federal estate taxes because […]

extended family

Parents face a tough decision when it comes to leaving an inheritance for their children. There two schools of thought when it comes to leaving inheritances, according to Forbes in “Why Not To Leave Too Much To Your Grown Up Kids.” It is generally accepted that when parents pass away, everything they have left will […]

Senior couple

“Many Americans confess that they are confused when faced with the myriad Medicare choices available to them. Others are simply not planning, nor saving enough to meet the challenge of health care costs in old age. In response, a whole new industry has sprung up nationwide.” A recent post, entitled “The Independent Investor: Elder […]

Women Celebrating Birthday

Staying where you are comfortable and having family and friends nearby can be an excellent retirement plan. If you are considering remaining in your home when you retire, it might be a good idea to look at your home from a different point of view, according to The New York Times in “Planning to Age […]

Couple on Beach

A few hours of walking each week may increase brain activity. A recent study shows there is help for people who are in the early stages of vascular dementia, according to The New York Times in “A 1-Hour Walk, 3 Times a Week, Has Benefits for Dementia.” A six-month study found that vascular dementia patients […]

Wills trusts and estates covered

It might be a good idea to take a look at the estate plan, rather than just takes someone’s word for it. Darryl White, the son of entertainer Barry White who passed away in 2003, has filed a suit against the estate and is demanding to see the will to know what it is he […]

Elder Couple with Bills

An estate can become complex when a person passes away and leaves debt. Most people have not gotten rid of their debt entirely when they pass away, according to Market Watch in “What happens to your debt when you die?“. Approximately 73% of people in the U.S. pass away while still in debt. The average […]

Thicke’s sons and their stepmother square off over correct distribution of estate. It is not unusual for children and their stepmother to get into arguments when settling an estate, but it is unusual to bring the threat of revealing information to tabloids, according to TMZ in “Alan Thicke Sons Go To War With His Wife […]

Senior woman contemplating

Patients getting back their memories is a challenge. Technology may be able to help patients with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia recover some of their memories, according to the Daily Mail in “Touching moment a virtual reality headset helps elderly people with dementia recall previous memories.” A virtual reality therapy program has been created […]