A couple senior asian talking and exercising at a park

There are health benefits to being mentally and physically active. People seem to have no problem learning how to have fun when they are young. However, that often disappears when they enter the work force and begin living an adult life. However, when they retire, they have the time to have fun again. It is […]

Businessman with Coat and Tie Holding House

There is a lot of paperwork involved in transferring property and it needs to be done correctly. Ownership of property must be traced from one owner to another. However, when someone passes away, things change. There is now property that needs to change ownership. That creates the need for a lot of paperwork that needs […]

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Some estate planning mistakes should be avoided, but they aren’t! Some basic mistakes should never be made in the first place. However, unfortunately they happen over and over again. While a comprehensive list of these mistakes probably is not possible, a list of surprising errors were created, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog […]

woman looking through the window pane

New study on expectations of wealthy young people is disturbing. A large percentage of affluent 18-22 year-olds believe that their retirements will be funded by the inheritances they expect to receive, according to a recent survey. This could mean they are spending all their own money and not saving any of it, according to Bloomberg […]

Confident Professor at Blackboard

If you can and do work past the traditional retirement age, you may live a longer life. It is possible that people who continue to work past retirement age are not only going to make more money, but live longer, according to Harvard Health Publisher in “Working later in life can pay off in more […]

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There are some steps to follow if there appears to be no will. If a parent passes away and didn’t leave a will or you can’t locate one, things do not have to be too difficult. There are a few steps people need to take if they find themselves in this situation, according to Forbes […]

Mature couple with laptop

Standard rules for dealing with digital accounts, have yet to be developed. Rules and regulations vary greatly between different states and between different websites on which people have accounts. However, there are a few things everyone can do now to make it easier for others to handle their digital accounts after they pass away, according to […]

Senior Couple At Home

No one wants to end up in a nursing home. However, if you do, it is best to have planned ahead. People who need nursing home care do not have a choice. One of the big problems is that staying in a nursing home for any length of time is incredibly expensive. It is also […]

Happy old couple

Families are often silent about what should happen if a parent becomes terminally ill or when a parent passes away. It is generally taken into consideration within a family that a parent will some day pass away. However, it is not often discussed how painful this can be for the children, even adult children. Parents […]

human miniature standing over pile coins

An inheritance can be wasted in many ways, including avoiding work and making bad investments. There are many possible scenarios that could lead to a wasted inheritance. Fears that this will happen appear to be on the rise because, in the next few decades, the largest transfer of wealth from one generation to another will […]