couple running a bookshop

There are benefits to being self-employed. However, saving easily for retirement hasn’t been one of them. Without an automatic withdrawal from a regular income payment, it’s tough for the self employed to save toward retirement. However, there is an option, according to Next Avenue in “A Retirement Plan for the Self-Employed: The Single 401(k)“. Known […]

financial consultant with clients

Don’t procrastinate on some of the larger issues in life. It is often easy to become wrapped up in the day-to-day issues of everyday life. However, it is important to note that if you don’t plan on what will become of your assets, then the laws of your state of residence will step in and […]

Happy Senior Couple

Whether you want to keep it, depends on the kind of insurance. People obtain life insurance at a time in their lives when they need protection. However, what happens when the nest becomes empty and you are financially secure? The question is tackled by the Milford Beacon in “Should you keep your life insurance?“. For […]

Finger Pressing Button on Calculator

The IRS and those holding your school loans can take aim at your benefits. You have worked your whole working life for Social Security in your retirement and it is relatively safe from creditors, with a few exceptions, according to Yahoo! Finance in “Can Creditors Come After Your Social Security Benefits“. Personal loan payments, credit […]

woman looking through the window pane

You don’t want to be struck down with an illness and have your preferences unknown. Even if you are single, you don’t want to be left with your health care in question should you become suddenly ill, according to Morningstar in “2 Estate-Planning Tools That Singles Should Consider“. How do you prepare for such an […]

question mark

Shortcutting the process can save money now. However, it will be costly later and cause problems for heirs. Trying to work around estate planning with limited knowledge can often create more problems than it solves, according to My San Antonio in the article “Estate planning workaround idea needs work“. The article concerns a rancher who […]

Holding Hands with Elderly Patient

Tom has health care issues and Louise can no longer care for him. Tom and Louise have been married for half a century and live in the same home they bought when first married. They are worried about possible nursing home costs and should be, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in “Married and concerned about […]

extended family

The basics of estate planning can deal with various situations. Since family situations differ greatly, there can be challenges and opportunities as the members deal with estate planning basics, according to the Chicago Tribune in “Dealing with property transfers and gift taxes“. In a situation in the article, the family home was rented to a […]

Leg of a Man Standing with a Shovel in a Yard

The next generation may be willing to continue. However, it is important to prepare for the legal issues. If it turns out that the next generation of a family with a farm wants to work it, you have a good start at succession. However, you will also need an estate plan to tackle that job, […]

senior couple standing together

It can get tricky if you have an age gap or earnings gap. When a couple starts thinking about Social Security, they had best do some research because there are some costly mistakes that can be made, according to Considerable in “How couples can avoid a costly Social Security mistake“. Start by looking at the […]