family dinner

Parents should do what they want with their money, says Kotzer, but they should also think of the consequences. “Will my children be talking after I die?” Unsatisfied siblings have been known to fight for years about their parents’ estate and never even talk to each other again. Don’t let this happen to your family. […]

question mark

Good advisors recommend their clients of all ages have powers of attorney (“POAs”) in place. But the biggest and apparently most hotly debated question is whether or not POAs should spring—meaning whether they should be effective immediately upon execution (typically the statutory default) or whether they should become effective only upon a determination that the principal […]

Pad of Paper and Pen

The one-month custody battle over a long-lost letter to Beat generation author Jack Kerouac from his driving character, Neal Cassady, has caused more cross-country subplots, side trips and diversions than Cassady and Kerouac took in “On the Road.” The literary letter in question is likely worth millions and is the subject of a new dispute concerning […]

Senior Couple on Computer

From George Orwell, who insisted all his manuscripts be preserved, to Charles Dickens who wanted no memorials put up to his life, history buffs can now explore the wills of some of the most influential figures of the past 150 years at the click of a mouse. The Government today announced it had digitized its […]

question mark

Since last summer, investigators have been trying to answer a puzzling question: Who killed Sarah Long, who was found dead of a gunshot wound at her Old Meeting Way townhouse in July. At the same time, another struggle has been playing out in probate court: Who will get Long’s nearly $1 million estate? Since shortly […]

money trap

A prominent Staten Island attorney has been accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from five clients, according to the Queens County District Attorney Richard A. Brown, who took over the case as a special prosecutor at the request of District Attorney Daniel Donovan’s office. Can you trust your attorney? When an attorney is […]

colorful art

Here is a quick review of some key estate planning developments that occurred in 2014. The only true constant in life is change itself. With that being said, what changed for estate planning in 2014? Let’s take a look back at 2014 and determine how this will impact 2015. Recently, the Wills, Trusts & Estates […]

paper bills and coins

The year 2014 will be remembered for many things, to include celebrity deaths. The details of another celebrity’s estate have recently been revealed. This time it is the estate of late actor Bob Hoskins. Unlike some other celebrity estates, Hoskins’ is fairly ordinary. Actor Bob Hoskins passed away last April at the age of 71. […]

red rose and dobermann

Did you know pets are property, much like your clothes, lawn mower and costume jewelry in the eyes of the law? It’s true. For many people, however, pets are more than just best friends. They are a valued member of the family. Question: Can you direct that your pets be put to sleep after you […]

Dunce Holding Paper Money

Do you have a revocable living trust? Are you thinking about creating (or updating one) in the New Year? Either way it is important to transfer your assets into that trust, including any real estate that you own. Estate planning attorneys who draft trusts for their clients always advise those clients to transfer assets into […]