The Florida legislature recently passed a bill allowing electronic wills. However, the governor sees it differently.
Legal documents created online are now very common. However, for wills to be valid, they must be executed and witnessed in a specific way. That process is not generally electronic.
Following the trend, the Florida legislature recently passed a bill that would allow wills to be created electronically, with the wills signed and witnessed electronically.
However, the governor decided to veto the bill, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Florida Governor Scott Vetoes Landmark Electronic Will Legislation.”
The governor had several concerns about the proposal and the ability to ensure security.
However, one of the biggest concerns is that the bill would have allowed electronic wills that were not created in Florida to be probated in Florida. The governor was concerned that would allow people to use the law, when there was no actual connection with the state.
Reference: Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog (June 28, 2017) “Florida Governor Scott Vetoes Landmark Electronic Will Legislation.”