Category: Social Security

Mistakes are easy to make when it comes to your benefits so approach the issue carefully. A person in the U.S. works to earn Social Security benefits. It would be a good idea to approach decisions on your benefits carefully, according to the Independent Record in “Don’t Make These 4 Big Social Security Mistakes“. First, check […]

It doesn’t just kick in. You have some work to make it happen. Retirement is a general word that includes Medicare, Social Security and many other retirement options and those can become challenging and confusing, according to in “The ABCs (And D’s) of Medicare and other retirement questions answered“. Both Social Security and Medicare […]

What are the options with your benefits and what is the future of Social Security in general? There are many, many variables when determining Social Security benefits, so it is probably best to plan for your retirement and leave it as an unknown factor, according to The Motley Fool in “Want a Solid Financial Plan […]

Most people seek confirmation that they have accumulated enough for the remainder of their years. You can put a lot of effort into saving for retirement and still have questions. However, it is important to know that the success of your plan will often be your income to expense ratio, according to Investopedia’s article “Determining If […]

Shortages in some sectors make partial retirement an inviting opportunity for both parties. Not every person who reaches retirement age wants full retirement. Some labor markets make it easy to ease into retirement while helping out employers, according to The New York Times in “In a Tight Labor Market, Retirees Fill Gaps Their Previous Employers […]

Social Security rules and regulations are the key to the magic retirement age. For some reason, many American have come to believe the magic number for retirement is 61 and they are wrong, according to The Motley Fool’s article “Americans’ Ideal Retirement Age–and Why It’s Not Realistic“. The article is based on a survey from […]

Opponents often claim that Social Security is going broke and will soon be bankrupt. However, that isn’t true. A recent government report is being used by opponents of Social Security and government spending as ammunition to charge that if something is not done, then Social Security will go broke in 2022. The claim is not true, […]

Pensions used to be a main portion of the American benefits package, but times have changed. Many companies in the U.S. did away with pension plans for their employees in the 1970s and switched to 401(k) plans, according to the Washington Post in “‘I hope I can quit working in a few years’: A preview […]

What is next, as Republicans look to reform programs? It appears that Republicans may be prepared to propose cuts to some of the most popular government programs, according to Financial Advisor in “GOP Laying Groundwork To Cut Future Social Security, Medicare, Welfare Outlays.” Republicans are talking about making cuts to programs for the elderly, such […]

Social Security benefits are important to most retirees, so make sure you get the most out of it. Many people choose to figure out how to maximize their Social Security benefits for themselves. However, many do so to their own detriment, according to CNBC in “Bungling this retirement decision could cost you $300,000.” It has […]