Category: Social Security

Japan’s aging population creates need for corpse hotels in residential areas. An increasing elderly population and a real estate shortage have overwhelmed Japan’s crematoriums and there is scarce land for building new crematoriums. The country’s solution is to allow what are being called corpse hotels as reported by AOL in “Japan’s corpse hotels upset some […]

While it is common knowledge that Social Security is in trouble, not everyone knows why. Social Security has many sides that include the good and the bad. On the good side is the fact that Social Security will not run out of reserves until 2034 and on the bad side it will run out unless […]

The Social Security Administration has issued a new policy on explaining why a special needs trust was rejected. The Social Security Administration has moved to clear up some of the difficulties that have arisen in the past when a special needs trust for a Supplemental Security Income recipient was rejected without an explanation. A report […]

It is important for most seniors to plan for and receive the largest possible benefit from Social Security. Since many people do not understand the Social Security system, they often do not receive the largest possible benefit check despite having worked most of their lives and contributing to the system. The Motley Fool recently offered […]

Think you know enough about Social Security to make the best decision about when to claim your benefits? The catch is, when the same folks took an eight question quiz about crucial Social Security rules, just 5% got all the answers right. Did you know that only about a quarter of workers age 55 and older are […]

The nation’s elderly and disabled Social Security recipients will receive a 1.5 percent increase in payments in 2014. The same COLA will apply to pensions for federal government retirees and most veterans. According to recent news from the Social Security Administration, the Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) made to Social Security payments will increase 1.5% […]