Category: Inheritance

Millennials also expect their own children will help them in retirement. Millennials expect that their parents and their children will help them out in their retirement years, according to Financial Advisor in “Millennials Want Family Help in Retirement.” There are sometimes big differences between generations. For example, 61% of millennials expect to receive an inheritance […]

Parents face a tough decision when it comes to leaving an inheritance for their children. There two schools of thought when it comes to leaving inheritances, according to Forbes in “Why Not To Leave Too Much To Your Grown Up Kids.” It is generally accepted that when parents pass away, everything they have left will […]

Even though their offspring may not want to think of it, the elderly may be sexually active and need proper protection. The unwillingness of offspring to consider that their elderly relatives may be sexually active can cause some problems, according to USA Today in “Yes, your grandmother is having sex.” One of the biggest problems […]

The money of the aging super wealthy will change hands. The 1% of the aging population that controls much of the World’s wealth is looking to the future when the money will change hands, according to Private Wealth in “The World’s Aging Rich Are Plotting What’s Next.” Economic data shows that wealth in the U.S. […]

Several of George Michael’s godchildren are expected to receive large inheritances. The estate of George Michael, who passed away on Christmas Day, is beginning to come to light, according to the Daily Mail in “George Michael’s £100M fortune ‘will go to his Godchildren’: Offspring of his celebrity friends could inherit tens of millions EACH after […]

A new study in the United Kingdom provides insight into new thinking about the social justice of estate, inheritance or “death” taxes. Income inequality and wealth concentration are more than just media headlines describing the latest protest movement. These terms are seemingly everywhere today: from the work of economist Thomas Pikkety, to the Occupy Wall […]

Received an inheritance? It may create more problems than it solves. A person or family could actually end up with less wealth after an inheritance, according to Chase News & Stories reports in “How to make sure your inheritance is a boon, not a bust.” An inheritance doesn’t always grow a family’s wealth. The biggest […]

Do you want to spend all of your money or set it up for an inheritance? Parents often face a quandary on leaving money to their children because it is not known what they will do with it but it may be comforting to know it is a common problem, according to a FOX Business […]

Parents are concerned unequal inheritances could lead to family disputes. Recently, Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary discussed the issue of leaving different amounts to children in a will based on their needs and she received some pushback from readers. She answered those pushbacks in another column which was reprinted in the Ventura County Star as […]

Adoption used as a tool to meet your estate planning goals may be unnecessary and cause complications. A question about using adoption as a tool to make sure a loved one receives an inheritance was submitted to My San Antonio in “Should adoption be used to ensure an inheritance?“. If there is a concern that […]