Category: Guardianship

We get it: Nobody wants to contemplate his or her own mortality. Estate planning is going to hurt, at least a little bit—right? The notion of planning for one’s death is not exactly a walk in the park. But CNN says that is doesn’t have to hurt. In a recent online CNN Money article, “10 […]

The first thing you need to have is a will. Without one, your assets will be divvied up according to the laws in your state. “It isn’t necessarily what you think or want,” warns California-based financial adviser Ted George. Do you really need a will? One word: Yes! If you don’t have a will, then […]

Estate planning is not just for the rich. “I’ll get to it eventually.” Have you ever said this regarding your estate and financial plans? Unfortunately, far too many never get around to it. I guess you could say this sums up estate planning in a nutshell: if you fail to plan ahead and protect your […]