Category: Guardianship

You cannot control the action of an adult child, but you can prepare for it. No matter how close family members may be, they do not always agree with your viewpoints and that can create some real problems in later years. However, those problems can be avoided, according to “Aging parents can protect against unwanted […]

Many men hesitate, when it comes to creating an estate plan. It is difficult for many people in America to begin the process of creating an estate plan. However, included in the list of those who procrastinate, are fathers who fail to set up a plan, in the event they are no longer there to […]

There are several measures you can use to protect yourself and your family. The life expectancy for Americans is getting longer and longer, with the concept that the longer you live the more likely you’ll have an even longer life span, according to Kiplinger, in “Are You Ready for Longevity? 4 Steps to Take Now“. […]

Don’t wait until it is too late. Get a POA now. While most people are familiar with a will in an estate plan, a power of attorney draws a lot of misconceptions, according to the article in A Place For Mom “5 Misconceptions About a Power of Attorney“. Misconception #1 – You can sign a […]

There are many reasons to look at your old estate plan. What should not be forgotten is that everyone needs a will. There are many reasons to revisit your estate plan that don’t include the new tax laws that doubled the individual estate gift and GST tax exemptions to about $11.2 million per person (and […]

Kids blocked from visiting their father despite Tennessee’s “Glen Campbell/Peter Falk Bill.” Despite Tennessee’s “Glen Campbell/Peter Falk Bill,” the children of Glen Campbell have been denied visiting rights to see their dad, according to Fox News in “Glen Campbell’s kids say they can’t see their dad, fans raise money.” The Tennessee law, which was named […]

The terms guardian and conservator are often used interchangeably despite having different meanings. Guardian and conservator mean two different things but are often used interchangeably resulting in confusion for the average person. The Motley Fool explains the different responsibilities in “What Is the Difference Between Conservatorship and Guardianship?“. Traditionally, a guardian is a person designated […]

Senior Lives Matter aims to raise the issue of abuse of the elderly to the Presidential campaign trail. The cost of long term care, elder abuse and problems in guardianship systems have not created much discussion on the Presidential campaign trail despite the fact that seniors are left vulnerable to abuse. There is a chance […]

Here’s a Halloween riddle: What really scares Americans 50 and older? Answer: The stock market and their retirement. According to several recent financial security studies, including the Country Financial Security Index, as a result of the 2008 market meltdown, baby boomers are terrified of investment risk and another market crash. In the latest Country survey, […]

Taxes and inheritance issues go together like Halloween and trick or treating. Tax planning is a critical part of estate planning, and families who wish to transfer assets from one generation to the next need to prepare for both aspects, as settling an estate can easily become quite complicated. Many estate plans include the use […]