Category: Gift Tax

Even if net worth is not high, a second look at your plan can be beneficial. The Federal Tax Cut and Jobs Act is a good reason for people, regardless of the amount of their assets, to either create an estate plan or review an already existing plan, according to the Atlanta Business Chronicle in […]

Shortcutting the process can save money now. However, it will be costly later and cause problems for heirs. Trying to work around estate planning with limited knowledge can often create more problems than it solves, according to My San Antonio in the article “Estate planning workaround idea needs work“. The article concerns a rancher who […]

The basics of estate planning can deal with various situations. Since family situations differ greatly, there can be challenges and opportunities as the members deal with estate planning basics, according to the Chicago Tribune in “Dealing with property transfers and gift taxes“. In a situation in the article, the family home was rented to a […]

If you are going to pass it on, you probably want to pass it on sooner rather than later. You can pass on a gift of $11.4 million under the new tax laws, without paying federal estate tax. However, that window will likely close and can close soon, according to Barron’s Penta in “What to […]

Handling the decedent’s final affairs. When a family member passes away, there are some important papers and information that must be gathered. The smart way to address the issue is to gather the papers beforehand and have assistance from an estate planning attorney, according to The Balance in “Important Papers to Locate After Someone Dies“. […]

An estate plan can leave you a legacy, as well as protect your heirs from having to make difficult decisions in difficult times. Once again, an entertainer with considerable assets has passed away without an estate plan. The recent passing of Aretha Franklin without a will or trust despite having children shines light on a […]

There are many things to think about when estate planning. However, among the most crucial is to take potential family conflicts into consideration. A group of professionals including estate planning attorneys, trust officers, accountants, charitable giving professionals, insurance advisors, elder law attorneys and nonprofit advisors recently attended a conference on estate planning and a survey […]

Estate planning often involves setting aside educational funds for children and grandchildren. It is common for people to consider helping out their children and grandchildren for educational purposes, when setting up estate planning. There are a few good ways that the educational expenses can be covered, according to The Legal Intelligencer in “How to Make […]

New tax laws raise a lot of questions, including the use of gifting. Gifting is usually done as a way of shrinking an estate as much as possible to lower the eventual estate tax burden. Â However, that may no longer be necessary for some people, according to My San Antonio in “How gifting of ranch […]

New rates are important to estates, as well as for estate planning. The IRS has announced some important changes in tax adjustments and deduction limits based on inflation. They can make a difference for people planning their estates, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Estate Planning Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year […]