Category: Gift Tax

Inheritance and gift tax exemptions determine how much wealth you can pass on without incurring significant taxes. These exemptions can change, so staying up-to-date on the latest federal and New York tax laws could mean saving substantial money in estate and gift taxes. What are the Current Federal Estate Tax Exemption and Gift Tax Exemptions? […]

“The increase in the exemption is set to lapse after 2025. However, the Treasury Department and the IRS issued “grandfather” regulations in 2019 allowing the increased exemption to apply to gifts made while it was in effect, if Congress lowers the exemption after those gifts.” The federal estate and gift tax exemption is applied to […]

“The For the 99.5% Act reduces the estate tax exemption to $3.5 million per individual and $7 million per couple. The bill adds higher tax brackets for larger estates.” U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has released proposed legislation named “For the 99.5%” Act. If passed in its present form, the legislation would bring estate tax exemptions […]

“While the tasks of dealing with an estate after someone passes may be simple administration, the work associated with it is often quite complicated.” Tax return issues, family matters, business associates, partners, trustees, bankers, investment advisors and tax collectors from the IRS to state and local taxing authorities all require attention after someone has died. […]

“State-by-state differences in matters around taxes, inheritance, marital property and more make a thorough review imperative.” In the excitement of a move from one state to another, people often forget that their estate plan may no longer be valid. That is because each state has its own laws about estate planning, according to a recent […]

“Early in 2021, you should communicate with your advisers and review several items about your 2020 planning, if that planning is to have any likelihood of succeeding.” If you reviewed or created your estate plan in 2020, you are ahead of most Americans, but you’re not done yet. If you created a trust, gave gifts […]

“Everything each spouse earns during their marriage is community property. Fortunately, a gift or inheritance is separate property. However, that’s only half the battle.” Families with concerns about the durability of a child’s marriage are right to be concerned about protecting their children’s assets. For one family, where a mother wishes to give away all […]

“The tragic recent death of Tony Hsieh, the 46-year-old former CEO of Zappos, reminds us of the importance of estate planning.” Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos, left behind an estate worth an estimated $840 million and no estate plan, reports Forbes in a recent article titled “Lessons From The Rich And Famous: Why Estate Planning […]

“Death and taxes may be certainties of life, but how much tax your family pays upon your death is still within your control to a certain degree.” Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts, or “ILITs” are life insurance policies owned by irrevocable trusts used to manage taxes on estates. There are complexities to using an ILIT, but […]

During this crazy 2020 tax year, in addition to being faced with all the issues surrounding COVID-19 and the roller coaster ride of the stock market, we are also currently in an environment where the interest rates are as low as they ever have been. As a result of the low interest rate environment, some […]