Category: Estate Planning
An estate plan isn’t final because it needs to be occasionally adjusted to changing life experiences. You have taken the steps to work with an estate planning attorney to create your very own estate plan but the work doesn’t end there because it needs to be updated occasionally, according to the Verde News in “Updating […]
A trust is where you place your big assets and that often includes your home. A question people often ask in estate planning is what goes into a trust and should your home be in it, according to a FOX News discussion “Why Should I Put My Home in a Living Trust?“. To understand the […]
Okay, you can get a will at Walmart but is that really a good idea? Three Walmart stores in Missouri are now offering legal services through The Law Store, which aims to go nationwide, according to KY3 News in “Now get a divorce, other legal services at Walmart.” You may be able to save some […]
Do you want to spend all of your money or set it up for an inheritance? Parents often face a quandary on leaving money to their children because it is not known what they will do with it but it may be comforting to know it is a common problem, according to a FOX Business […]
Parents are concerned unequal inheritances could lead to family disputes. Recently, Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary discussed the issue of leaving different amounts to children in a will based on their needs and she received some pushback from readers. She answered those pushbacks in another column which was reprinted in the Ventura County Star as […]
The pendant Tupac Shakur was wearing when he was shot is on the market but legal issues loom. A pendant that was dented by a bullet that rapper Tupac Shakur was wearing when he was shot in New York City is up for sale for $125,000, according to TMZ in “Tupac Bullet-Dented Pendant. . . […]
Adoption used as a tool to meet your estate planning goals may be unnecessary and cause complications. A question about using adoption as a tool to make sure a loved one receives an inheritance was submitted to My San Antonio in “Should adoption be used to ensure an inheritance?“. If there is a concern that […]
The laws in most states have not kept up with the reality of divorce and remarriage. Most states have retained the concept of people only marrying once and do not reflect the reality of the fact that many Americans divorce and remarry, according to The Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Estate Planning for […]
While most estate plans have a good chance of success even if you do not inform your heirs of the details, the chances of success are greatly diminished if you are passing on a family business. If you own a family business, it is not only vital that you plan ahead for passing on the […]
One generally donates to a charitable organization but you can also help individuals. But be wary of rules if you are planning a deduction. If you want to donate to specific individuals rather than an established charity then you have to follow the rules if you plan on tax deductions, according to Wills, Trusts & […]