Category: Estate Planning

One of the single most important estate planning choices that you will make is to select your executor. It is only a very small exaggeration to state that the executor of an estate is the person who is in charge of everything. He or she can either determine whether an estate administration will go smoothly or […]

If you can’t take care of your finances yourself, who can? What if something were to suddenly happen to you? It would be wise to take into consideration just how difficult it would be for someone else to take care of all your bills, according to WMUR 9 ABC in “Money Matters: Why you need […]

People will often talk all around the subject. However, sooner or later they ask the question about the need for an estate plan. It does seem that sooner or later everyone asks the same question, “Do I need to have an estate plan?” The answer is always the same, “Yes,” according to the Casper Star Tribune […]

If your pet is treated as a member of the family, you may consider cremation and keeping the ashes at home. Not everyone sees pets as members of the family. However, there is a trend for pets to be treated in death the way they were treated in life. This has resulted in a growing trend […]

Creditors often have to file a claim in order to collect a debt. Creditors who learn a debtor has passed away need to file a claim against the estate, which may include a trust, according to the NWI Times in “Filing claims against a trust.” Depending on the state, filing a claim against a trust […]

There are many things that one needs to teach their children and planning for the future is one of them. Parents often breathe a sigh of relief and think their work is done when their child graduates from high school and becomes an adult. However, there is at least one last thing parents should do, […]

With insurance dedicated funds, wealthy people can invest money that will eventually go to their heirs, while avoiding estate and capital gains taxes. Life insurance has been a popular estate planning tool for a long time. It is normally used as a relatively simple way to even out inheritances between heirs or to provide needed […]
It is not an easy task to both preserve wealth and to manage it. There are ways to make sure that your family is an exception to the rule and is able to maintain wealth for generations, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Preparing Heirs for Successful Wealth Stewardship.” The key […]

The Florida legislature recently passed a bill allowing electronic wills. However, the governor sees it differently. Legal documents created online are now very common. However, for wills to be valid, they must be executed and witnessed in a specific way. That process is not generally electronic. Following the trend, the Florida legislature recently passed a […]

Just exactly what does Medicaid do? There is an ongoing attempt to repeal Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) which is expected to have a major impact on Medicaid. Medicaid touches us at many points in our lives. NPR recently published a list of some lesser known facts about Medicaid in “From Birth To Death, Medicaid Affects […]