Category: Estate Planning
Determining what will happen after you pass away by setting up an estate plan can be helpful. Planning on what happens after you pass away by creating an estate plan can sometimes lead to a more fruitful life, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “How Planning For Your Death Can Help […]
Photographer’s work was not known in her lifetime, but is recognized now. A woman passed away in 2009 entirely unknown. She had no known heirs or estate plan. However, the value of her amateur photography has now sparked a copyright battle, according to PDN Pulse in “Federal Court Sustains Vivian Maier Copyright Claim.” Vivian Maier […]
There are many different ways to fund a college education and a trust is one of them. If a family should decide they do not want the younger generations to be be heavy in debt upon graduating from college, there are a couple of different options, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog […]
If a university closes its doors, there is a slight chance of getting endowment money back. Every year hundreds of schools close their doors permanently, but still have money in their endowment funds with some chance of recovery by donors, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Orphan Endowments of Dead Schools […]
The will of the Duke of Windsor will be opened for copyright determination. A court in the U.K. has ruled that the will of the Duke of Windsor, who passed away in 1972, will now be unsealed for for limited purposes, according to the Daily Mail in “Duke of Windsor’s will to be unsealed at […]
It might be best if one person coordinated the advisors working for a wealthy person. If you have considerable wealth, it might be a good idea to get a variety of opinions but it also might be a good idea to hire someone to help you manage it all, according to Forbes in “Estate Planning […]
Common mistakes are often mentioned over and over again. There are common mistakes in estate planning that are not often mentioned, despite the fact they are made over and over again, according to the Ithaca Times in “Key estate planning mistakes to avoid,” including: Forgetting to update an estate plan when a spouse or child […]
Marriage, divorce and remarriage sparks debate on veteran’s burial site. A veteran of World War II recently passed away. Now two widows are fighting, according the Daily Mail in “Widows at war: British and American wives of war hero banker both want him buried in their own local cemetery – on opposite sides of the […]
New rates are important to estates, as well as for estate planning. The IRS has announced some important changes in tax adjustments and deduction limits based on inflation. They can make a difference for people planning their estates, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Estate Planning Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year […]
More and more people are protecting pets in their estate plans, as well as their loved ones. There are some tips that should be considered, if you plan to protect your pets after you pass away, according to the Wall Street Journal in “Estate Plans Don’t Have to Be Just For People.” The tips include: […]