Category: Elder Law

Both Medicare and Medicaid can assist you with your individual long-term care plan. While the two programs sound similar, there are important differences to consider. Let’s start with a brief definition of each program. First, it’s true, both programs provide medical care. However, Medicare is an entitlement program; meaning that everyone who reaches the age of 65 […]

A growing portion of the older population wants to stay in their homes as long as possible. This is known as “aging in place” and has several benefits when it is appropriate for the individual. However, there are some other care concerns to consider when deciding whether someone is at the point of needing additional […]

Did you know that in the United States, the median monthly cost of a semi-private room in a nursing home is currently more than $7,900? And the cost of a private room exceeds $9,000 per month! Plus, depending on where you live, costs can even be considerably higher. Making matters worse, costs rise according to […]

Here are some factors to consider when marrying, or remarrying, later in life. Should You Have a Prenuptial Agreement? In most situations, the answer is yes, particularly if you and your betrothed have children from previous marriages, a disparity in financial resources, or substantial assets. When couples marry, assets and income typically become community property. […]

When clients ask us whether it is right for them, we consider their overall plan and unique situation. Sometimes we recommend long-term care insurance, sometimes we don’t, depending on the client’s needs and goals. But what if you’ve already purchased long-term care insurance, and you’ve seen your premiums rise dramatically in recent years? First of […]

Numerous studies have shown that Americans’ greatest fear regarding retirement is running out of money. Even so, myths abound about planning for retirement, Social Security, the cost of medical care, and more. Let’s explore the reality behind some of the most common retirement planning myths. Social Security is going broke. Approximately 50 percent of elderly […]

A dementia diagnosis is a traumatic time for any family. Dementia happens slowly and progressively over time. In the early stages, some symptoms are often thought of as just signs of aging. Beginning signs can be as simple as losing car keys, forgetting where the car is parked, or even forgetting to turn off the oven. Unfortunately, […]

Filial Responsibility Laws, also known as Filial Support Laws, are relatively unknown. More than half of US states (including Puerto Rico) could hold adult children financially responsible for their parents’ long-term care. If your parents live in one of the following states, you could be held legally responsible for their healthcare: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, […]

Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases can make even basic tasks extraordinarily difficult. Designer Sha Yao saw this firsthand when her grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. In response, she created Eatwell, a seven-piece tableware set. It features bright, primary colors, which Yao chose based on a Boston University study that showed individuals with cognitive impairment consumed 84 percent […]

Paying your grandchildren’s (or adult children’s) college tuition is one of the greatest gifts you can make. The education lasts a lifetime and opens a world of opportunity for your grandchildren. In a way, it is like giving a gift to your children as well, since it alleviates their concerns about paying for their children’s […]