Successor Trustee Do

“I am named successor trustee in my parents’ trust. When the time comes, how do I sell the home and the other assets?” This is a common concern of people when they learn they have been named as a successor trustee, says in the article “Estate Planning: The role of a successor trustee“. The […]

Businessman with Coat and Tie Holding House

“Depending on whether you are the only beneficiary, or you are buying out other beneficiaries, you could move in, rent or sell.” There are choices when someone inherits a house. However, they depend on several factors. Are there other siblings who also have inherited portions of the ownership of the house? Is there another owner […]

man assisting a woman on a wheelchair

“Linda Smyth has spent more than 20 years fighting her way through a complicated maze of paperwork, assessments and denials in the attempt to secure services for her son, who is on the autism spectrum.” Working to get her son assessed to qualify for support programs, fighting to get benefits and finding therapists became a […]

Family Pulling Party Favors During Christmas Dinner

“It’s a common occurrence. Far flung family members return home to visit elderly relatives for the holidays. Upon arrival, they notice that things seem … off. A look in the refrigerator finds expired foods and an elderly relative is asking the same questions repeatedly. The same person who would never let you walk into the […]

Happy Senior Couple

“The disadvantages of do-it-yourself elder law estate planning are costly errors, omissions and neglecting protections.” What usually happens when people do their own estate planning or work on elder law issues, without a lawyer who has years of practice? They may not incur the costs on the front end, but the costs, in financial and […]

Women Wearing Colorful Bathing Caps

“No longer staid and boring, retirement homes offer dynamic options for seniors. Retirement communities are continually improving, by keeping seniors active with mental and physical exercises, while intertwining independent living and hands-on care.” At some point in life, many people face the decision of moving into a retirement home or welcoming in-home care. Living in […]

question mark

“It’s been a big year for 50th birthdays. From Jennifer Aniston and JLo to Matthew McConaughey and Sean Coombs, it seems like everyone is having a milestone birthday in 2019. However, this isn’t really a big surprise, when you consider that in the Generation X (1965-1980) cohort, 1969 was one of the largest birth years.” […]

A couple senior asian talking and exercising at a park

“Springfield, Mass. is known as the “City of Firsts.” It is called the “Birthplace of Basketball” and is home of the first gas-powered car.” This summer, Springfield, Massachusetts became the first place to receive three marks of “age-friendliness,” as designated by a global initiative of the World Health Organization. This town in western Massachusetts, with […]

senior couple talking

“Perhaps one of the most difficult conversations you’ll have as an adult child, is talking about end of life preparations with your parent. For many seniors, this conversation is as hard as the one about having to move to a full-time care facility.” An aging parent’s health can fail suddenly, or they can have a fall […]

woman riding a horse

“As our children with disabilities grow older, and we ourselves grow older, the future can seem daunting. The future can be overwhelming.” Taking steps to plan for the future when loving parents will not be there to help their disabled child as they age is a hard thing to confront. However, planning in advance for […]