Category: Disclaimer / Disclaim
“Many timeshare contracts include a perpetuity clause, which means the contract and all its fees and obligations are yours for life. It may not end there.” Ask anyone who ever purchased a timeshare and changed their mind about it. Getting rid of a timeshare can be problematic. However, imagine if your parents purchased a timeshare […]
“Early in 2021, you should communicate with your advisers and review several items about your 2020 planning, if that planning is to have any likelihood of succeeding.” If you reviewed or created your estate plan in 2020, you are ahead of most Americans, but you’re not done yet. If you created a trust, gave gifts […]
A Brooklyn Surrogate judge rejected a petition of an heir who sought to disclaim her infant daughter’s interest in a deceased grandparent’s estate for the purpose of avoiding a large estate tax liability. The infant’s grandmother, Sharon Lindsay, passed away with approximately $6M in assets to be divided among her heirs – but no will. […]