Category: Charitable Giving

The woman wore frumpy house dresses, drove a beat-up old Chevy Cavalier, lived modestly in a two-family house on Washington Avenue across from Albany High School and harbored an astonishing secret. Few realized she was the millionaire next door, possessed of an investment portfolio that included tens of thousands of shares of Exxon Mobil and other […]

One way to fulfill your philanthropic goals is to provide for a particular charitable cause or organization in your estate plan. Do you want to leave something to charity when you are no longer here? All it takes is some planning ahead of time. The Charlotte County Florida Weekly recently posted an article titled “GIVING: […]
Here is an excellent video demonstrating how my mother in her 70s, learned to use technology to transform her love for teaching into the next chapter of her life! She authored a new children’s book, “Grandma Needs a Nap” under her Publishing Company “Grandma Press” which teaches our young children and their caregivers incredible life […]

There are several charitable giving strategies that help donors generate income from their gifts. Each is appropriate in different situations. Giving to charity is a very satisfying act, with the giver fulfilling the needs of a charity and experiencing the joys of goodwill in the process. What a great feeling! And what’s more, there are […]

You were so helpful to me in September, clarifying the IRA charitable contribution. Do you know if the government is instituting that same contribution this year? We are well into tax season and planning for the upcoming year. Are you keeping up with the tax laws? As many retirees and their advisors review changes in […]

Giving back is about linking passion with action, and it does not have to be complex—but it does have to be well thought out to be effective. As many well-to-do but generous Americans can attest, your philanthropy can do more than just help the cause or causes important to you. So why not bless your […]

Want to better understand the mistakes charities make, so you can do a better job in your own philanthropic endeavors? With the yearly end-of-year run on charitable giving now behind us for 2013, and year-end stresses subsiding, this might be a good time to consider how to approach your philanthropy to do the most good. […]

As the year comes to a close, it is time to consider how we show our generosity, so we can allocate our resources deliberately and effectively. There is still time to give those charitable gifts for 2013! And there are countless worthy causes to choose from. So the question is: do the charities you select […]
“What we’ve found is that donors give — and give more — when confident the money will actually make a difference.” The giving season is upon us as the end of 2013 is near. Charitable donations are an important way of giving back. If you are ready to give back or help out, just how […]

I know that most people will simply write a check to their charity of choice but for many, there is a more tax efficient way to gift, right? With the end of 2013 fast approaching, have you considered your year-end charitable gift strategy? While it is sometimes hard to figure out to whom you are […]