Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Just exactly what does Medicaid do? There is an ongoing attempt to repeal Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) which is expected to have a major impact on Medicaid. Medicaid touches us at many points in our lives. NPR recently published a list of some lesser known facts about Medicaid in “From Birth To Death, Medicaid Affects […]

An estate planning attorney is the right person to answer this question. The key to determining what the best estate planning option is for you, is for you to decide. However, you may want some advice, according to in “Is a Living Trust Right for You and Your Family?.” Trusts do have many benefits over […]

A professional can help you know the difference between knowledge and false ideas. We are not experts on everything. However, one of the areas where people are often wrong about a subject is estate planning, according to TCPalm in “Misconceptions about wills and trusts.” The article mentions a number of false ideas people have when it […]

The executor of an estate must make decisions on protecting heirs. Katie May, a former Playboy model, may have suffered injuries during a photo shoot and went to a chiropractor for treatment. She later died and the coroner determined the treatment injured her artery and cut off blood flow to her brain, according to TMZ […]

Considerable assets found hidden in New Zealand. Many foreign trusts have failed to register under the new trust laws of New Zealand and may have fled the country, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Trust the Kiwis.” New Zealand has had lax laws and allowed foreigners to have tax-free trusts with […]

Senate Republicans move forward to develop own bill to end ACT. A Senate version to repeal the Affordable Care Act continues to wind its ways through the legislative process, according to Politico in “Senate GOP prepares for Obamacare repeal vote next week.” The House has previously passed its own bill. The biggest problem with the […]

This is one area where you have a limited time to put off the task. If you procrastinate and it carries over into estate planning, you should recognize that time will indeed run out on that issue, according to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press in “3 moves you should make in the first 3 years […]

Millennials also expect their own children will help them in retirement. Millennials expect that their parents and their children will help them out in their retirement years, according to Financial Advisor in “Millennials Want Family Help in Retirement.” There are sometimes big differences between generations. For example, 61% of millennials expect to receive an inheritance […]

The state was attempting to collect tax without consideration for residency. A tax court has decided that Minnesota’s trust taxation is unconstitutional, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Tax Refunds for Trusts With Minnesota Grantors? Minnesota Income Tax Statute Ruled Unconstitutional.” Minnesota’s income tax statute makes 100% of a trust’s assets […]

New Jersey considers blood and organ donation tax credit. A lack of organ donations can cause unnecessary deaths. The New Jersey Assembly is considering another idea to increase donations, according to the Tax Foundation in “Organ Donation Tax Credits: A Life or Death Proposal?.” Getting people and their families to agree to donate organs has […]