Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Creditors often have to file a claim in order to collect a debt. Creditors who learn a debtor has passed away need to file a claim against the estate, which may include a trust, according to the NWI Times in “Filing claims against a trust.” Depending on the state, filing a claim against a trust […]

There are many things that one needs to teach their children and planning for the future is one of them. Parents often breathe a sigh of relief and think their work is done when their child graduates from high school and becomes an adult. However, there is at least one last thing parents should do, […]

Bikers in Texas can take final ride in an unusual hearse. A hearse designed to appeal to motorcycle enthusiasts is drawing attention in a Texas town, according to Everything Lubbock in “A Unique ‘Last Ride’.” While the basic design of hearses has not changed much, Derek Dunn of Lubbock, Texas had a different idea and […]

With insurance dedicated funds, wealthy people can invest money that will eventually go to their heirs, while avoiding estate and capital gains taxes. Life insurance has been a popular estate planning tool for a long time. It is normally used as a relatively simple way to even out inheritances between heirs or to provide needed […]
It is not an easy task to both preserve wealth and to manage it. There are ways to make sure that your family is an exception to the rule and is able to maintain wealth for generations, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Preparing Heirs for Successful Wealth Stewardship.” The key […]

Controversial law draws attention from elder law advocates. Elder law advocates have been paying a lot of attention to California’s new law, allowing terminally ill people to seek physician assisted suicide. The law was extremely controversial and remains so. The State of California has issued a report about usage of its new law and it […]

The Florida legislature recently passed a bill allowing electronic wills. However, the governor sees it differently. Legal documents created online are now very common. However, for wills to be valid, they must be executed and witnessed in a specific way. That process is not generally electronic. Following the trend, the Florida legislature recently passed a […]

There are numerous views on what impact the Senate changes will have on Medicaid. On one side of the Senate Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) are Democrats who claim that it will slash Medicaid spending. On the other side are Republicans who claim that the bill will increase Medicaid […]

What exactly is allowed in retirement accounts? A new fiduciary rule has caused considerable confusion for consumers and their advisors, according to the Washington Post in “A new conflict-of-interest rule for retirement savers is causing a lot of confusion.” The Department of Labor set up a new rule on June 9 that says financial advisors […]

Court orders body of famous artist be exhumed. A judge has found enough basis for the claims of a Spanish woman, claiming she is the child of Salvador Dali, that the body has been ordered to be exhumed from its current resting place underneath a theater in Dali’s hometown, so DNA testing can be performed, […]