Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Did you know that the new Tax Bill proposed by the Republicans threatens the financial independence of Seniors and the Disabled? Read how in this Money Magazine article featuring Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorney Michael J. Amoruso!

Obtaining a legal remedy can be difficult, if a guardian of an elderly person is doing a questionable job. A couple suddenly found their life savings were used up and they had to move into a converted office with their daughter, according to The New Yorker in “How the Elderly Lose Their Rights.” The article […]

Your estate plan is about protecting your family, as well as deciding where your assets will end up. Sometimes people think an estate plan only concerns decisions on what will happen with your money and other assets when you pass away. However, estate planning is much, much more than that, according to NJ Biz in […]

People forgotten by history get stories told by brothers who visit their graves. Brothers who banter about the lives of some people forgotten by history could soon be coming to your television, according to The New York Times in “Like ‘Car Talk,’ but With Dead People.” New York brothers Vincent and Robert Gardino are using […]

There seem to be no popular options that will fix the growing problem. The problem of under-funded public pensions is severe and not isolated to just a few public programs, according to the Economist in “American public pensions suffer from a gaping hole.” While most private companies have moved to 401ks, public employees still have […]

Estate planning instruments, including trusts, can be used to avoid the probate process. If some information you have seen or heard has led you to believe a will does not have to go through probate, you are just plain wrong, according to TC Palm in “Common misconceptions about wills and trusts.” Sometimes, misconceptions begin with […]

Sometimes the little things can start the big fights. Estate plans are often designed to fairly distribute assets and avoid family fights. However, sometimes the little items of personal property can create the big problems, according to CNBC in “7 Ways that cheap Tweety Bird figurine can screw up your estate.” Potential problems include: Items […]

Because of the history of trusts being quite large in the U.S., people think they are restricted to those with large amounts of money. Trusts are not just beneficial to the super wealthy. They can be a good tool for everyone, according to the Times Herald-Record in “Trusts are no longer just for the wealthy.” There […]

Trump administration and GOP moving toward tax reform, including eliminating estate tax. There are many tax reform possibilities as President Trump and Congress look to the future. However, a complete repeal of the estate tax is included in the framework tax reform, according to Forbes in “Trump GOP Tax Reform Framework Calls For Estate Tax Repeal.” […]

Jury has awarded money for damages. However, it appears likely the amount won’t hold up to court scrutiny. JPMorgan has been ordered to pay plaintiffs $5 million in actual damages and $4 billion in punitive damages for a suit involving the handling of a complex estate that didn’t have an estate plan, according to Bloomberg in […]