Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
A “go-bag” can protect your family, until you can head home again. As we all know from news events, you never know when an emergency will arise that causes the evacuation of your home. If that should happen, do you have a “go-bag” that will protect your family until life returns to normal. If not, […]

What happens to the caregiver when your loved one is gone? Providing care for another adult can be difficult, because the caregiver often puts their life on hold. They may find themselves facing a new challenge later, according to the AARP Bulletin in “What Happens When Caregiving Ends?” The article concerns a 65-year old woman […]

Protection varies, according to state law. IRAs are protected from bankruptcy. However, there are some limitations you should guard against, according to The Balance in “What is IRA Bankruptcy Protection?“. President George W. Bush signed bankruptcy protection into law in 2005 with the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCA). This new law insulated […]

Not having a long-term care plan can put your family at financial risk. A government report estimates a vast majority of those over 65 will end up needing long-term care. However, many people do not have plans to meet the expenditures, according to Westfair Online in “Keybank poll reveals clients aren’t planning for long term […]

Life can get in the way of you meeting your goals. However, embracing some tactics can be helpful. Making resolutions to accomplish certain goals is never an easy task and New Year’s resolutions are no different. Financial goals are often on the list of resolutions and there are some secrets to follow that can help […]

Working at the age of 65, is not the same as working at 20. Working for decades can take a toll on employees as they near retirement age. However, a phased retirement can offer a situation that works well for both the worker and the employer, according to the Missoulian in “Why Companies Should Support […]

Now is the time to handle those details you have overlooked. There may be a number of estate planning details that you have not addressed in previous years. This year is a good year to get it done, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, in “As a new year closes in, resolve to get those pesky […]

If Social Security will be 40% of your income, where does the rest come from? Social Security was never intended to be your total retirement funding, so you need as many revenue streams as possible, according to U.S. News & World Report in an article that compares “Pension vs. 401(k)“. A traditional pension plan, or […]

If you are thinking of upscale retirement, it might be best to check in early and enjoy the lifestyle. Boomers have had a way of being out front when it comes to making changes in society and it isn’t any different when it comes to retirement, as they eye the expansion of five-star luxury retirement […]

The decision to disinherit someone isn’t made lightly and needs careful consideration. Sometimes, as the difficulties of life wind through families, it is decided it would be best to disinherit a family member. It can be done. However, it needs careful legal consideration, according to Next Avenue in “How to Disinherit a Family Member“. The […]