Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

More Americans may have opportunities to invest in retirement plans. There are many difficulties that arise during retirement and both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House are moving to ease those burdens, according to Next Avenue in “Will the SECURE Act Really Bring Retirement Security to Older Americans?“. With record numbers of retirees declaring […]

Do your loved ones know what your want? There is simply no way to know when a sudden health event or an accident could render a person unable to communicate, according to The Advocate in “If you were on death’s door, what happens next? Advance care directives can make sure your wishes are carried out“. […]

A serious tone and strong script are working for scammers. The Federal Trade Commission warned late last year that scamming against the recipients of Social Security topped more than 35,000 complaints and now the AARP Bulletin reports in “How Social Security Scammers Tried to Swindle a Fraud Expert” that those calls continue to increase. The […]

You will need an executor. The position needs considerable thought before making that decision. There are many questions asked of potential executors, including are you willing to take on such a role and are you comfortable with accepting the role, according to The Huntsville Item in “Role of an executor“. Sometimes a person is confused […]

Many retirees head for warmer climates and states friendly to retirees. New Mexico, Florida and Arizona are gaining retirees, while New Jersey, Maine and Connecticut are losing them, according to CNBC in “Retirees are flocking to these 3 states—and fleeing these 3 states in droves“. A survey was conducted recently by the moving company United […]

New tax laws bring life insurance trusts under scrutiny. With the raising of the estate tax exemptions, people who had life insurance trusts created may want to consider dismantling them, according to Think Advisor in “Section 1035-Your Way Out of Obsolete Life Insurance Trusts“. The estate tax exemptions, which expire in 2025, have been raised […]

Not enough savings and too much spending? You move along through life and perhaps think about retirement, but some people do not plan retirement, until they are in their mid 50s. The result? Mistakes have already been made, according to The Street in “Avoid These Big Mistakes in Your Retirement Planning“. The biggest, most obvious […]

A widow may find they face a crushing load of decision making, as well as working through grief. Going from a team effort in life to being a widow throws real challenges to some women as they find themselves unprepared for the solo workload of finances as well as daily tasks, according to The New […]

Working and saving without risking benefits. Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE accounts, now allow children or adults with disabilities to save as much as $100,000 without risking their benefits, according to Consumer Reports, in “ABLE Accounts Can Help People with Disabilities Save Tax-Free“. For many years before ABLE accounts were set up in […]

The chances of needing one, increases with age. A Health Care proxy is good protection and, since the chances of a health crisis occurring increases with age, many people put it off with disastrous results. However, it is important to take your time and choose carefully, according to Forbes in “How to Select A Health […]