Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

“As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s meaningful to reflect on the origin of the holiday–Native Americans and pilgrims sharing their bounty of food with each other. As you gather with your loved ones this year, perhaps you can think of ways to share not only your dinner, but also your financial bounty.” For many families, the holiday […]

“The personal representative (formerly executor) of the deceased’s estate may be responsible for filing a number of tax returns.” When a person dies, their assets are gathered, their debts are paid, business affairs are settled and assets are distributed, as directed by their will. If there is no will, the intestate laws of their state […]

“It’s been a big year for 50th birthdays. From Jennifer Aniston and JLo to Matthew McConaughey and Sean Coombs, it seems like everyone is having a milestone birthday in 2019. However, this isn’t really a big surprise, when you consider that in the Generation X (1965-1980) cohort, 1969 was one of the largest birth years.” […]

“More than likely, most people may not want to envision a time spent in court, arguing with siblings and other family members, or fighting with financial institutions and health providers to uphold end-of-life wishes and the management of personal assets. The problems aren’t always evident when the first parent passes. Often, it’s when the second […]

“Does a Power of Attorney ever lapse? What happens if I change my mind and want to take the Power of Attorney back? Can the Power of Attorney refuse to return the authority?” These are all good questions, as Powers of Attorney (POA) are some of the most commonly used estate planning documents and they […]

“Springfield, Mass. is known as the “City of Firsts.” It is called the “Birthplace of Basketball” and is home of the first gas-powered car.” This summer, Springfield, Massachusetts became the first place to receive three marks of “age-friendliness,” as designated by a global initiative of the World Health Organization. This town in western Massachusetts, with […]

“When the first spouse dies, the surviving spouse may not remain as close with his or her stepchildren. Small irritations which were overlooked during the lifetime of the spouse who died, may become outright disputes.” Estate planning for blended families is like playing chess in three dimensions: even those who are very good at chess […]

“Retirees preparing to file their taxes for this year should be aware of a number of common pitfalls, often-overlooked deductions and changes that stem from the tax overhaul two years ago.” Did you know that there is a new federal income-tax form for seniors designed to make filing taxes easier this year, especially for those […]

“All it takes is one accident or medical emergency while out-of-state in Arizona or Florida this winter, for powers of attorney and living wills to pay for themselves.” Before snowbirds begin their seasonal journey to warmer climates, it’s time to be sure that they have the important legal documents in place, advises in a […]

“Congratulations! Your retirement planning paid off. You built a $1 million retirement nest egg. How long will $1 million last in retirement?” For most retirees, the goal is simple: don’t run out of money. That’s the worry that plagues most Americans—61% of them, according to a survey from Allianz Life. How do you keep that […]