Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Many people think that Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are interchangeable terms for the same medical condition. This is not the case. Dementia is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of conditions associated with memory loss. Alzheimer’s disease, on the other hand, is a specific type of dementia. Let’s look at some of the similarities and […]

You’ve no doubt heard about assisted living and nursing home care, but there are many other long-term care options available. An article by U.S. News & World Report provides an introduction to the types of care now available. You can read the full article here. Adult Day Care Adult day care offers relief to family caregivers […]

According to the American Humane Society, approximately 46 percent of households have at least one dog and 39 percent of households have at least one cat. We love our pets, and they provide us with plenty of love in return. Tragically, however, shelters and veterinarians euthanize approximately 500,000 pets each year when their owners predecease them. […]

One-half of all Americans who reside in nursing homes receive assistance from Medicaid to pay for their care. This is not surprising, given the extraordinarily high cost of long-term care. The real surprise is that half of all Americans don’t seek Medicaid assistance to cover nursing home costs. There are several reasons for this, but […]

When it comes to estate planning, you may find yourself questioning whether leaving each of your children an equal share is the right choice. While it may seem like the easiest and fairest option, there are instances where it may not be the wisest approach. Consider Your Children’s Unique Situations If you have more than […]

According to a 2021 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, nearly a quarter of U.S. parents find themselves struggling as part of the “sandwich generation,” those who are caught in a squeeze as they tackle caring for both their own parents and their children. Being a multigenerational caregiver can be a financial, logistical, and emotional […]

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right nursing home for you or your loved one. Here are a few you won’t want to forget: 1. Inspect the Grounds When you arrive for your tour of the facility, start with a few basic observations. Check for non-skid floors and handrails. Note if the […]

Emotions can run high after a loved one dies, particularly if your family’s assets include items with sentimental value, and the last thing you want is for your family to start fighting after you pass away. Defuse Conflict Over Sentimental Items Before You Pass Away How can you prevent your heirs from fighting over items […]

Once upon a time, amassing a million dollars for retirement meant that your golden years would be very golden indeed. But what about now—is a million dollars still enough money to enjoy a luxurious retirement? The good news is that more than 20 million people in the United States have over a million dollars. The bad news […]

Perhaps you have considered selling your current home, buying a smaller one, and using the difference to help fund your retirement. A recent article on explores this approach and details the mistakes you must avoid. Here are some of the highlights. Overestimating Your Current Home’s Value Many people overestimate how much their current home is actually […]