Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

My mother went from private pay to Medicaid pay in her nursing home January 1, 2013. She now has zero money and all of her Social Security goes to the nursing home … Should I sell [her] home and effectively turn all of the assets over for her care or wait until her death, at […]

Selecting a charity that will use your money wisely and effectively isn’t easy, particularly during this hectic time of year. Donor-advised funds are one solution. Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too. Or in the case of a donor-advised fund, you can have your cake and eat it whenever you feel like […]

“I know adult stepchildren who step up in every sense of the word, but for most of these women, disagreements with stepchildren was the most stressful aspect of providing care for the husband.” Blended families are becoming more and more common these days, making the “modern family” a bit complicated at times. Whether following a […]

Open enrollment for the Medicare Part D Drug plans started on October 15th. You have until December 7th to determine which is the best plan for you in 2014 and make the needed change. It could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. It is Medicare Open Enrollment time once again. Be sure not to […]

When most people think about trust funds, they envision spoiled rich kids and wealthy families trying to dodge taxes on their piles of money. But what they might not realize is that trust funds can be an incredibly useful—even vital—tool for middle class families, as well. Although the public image of a “trust fund” seems […]

If ABC’s Emmy-award winning TV show, Modern Family, can teach us anything about estate planning, it’s that the definition of a traditional nuclear family has been stretched considerably in the last quarter century. The show spoofs nonconventional family dynamics that mirror the blended families – like second marriages, same-sex couples and adopted children — that are […]

Can a bank collect a credit card debt owed by your deceased parent or spouse? The answer depends on a range of factors, from whether it was a joint account to where the deceased person lived. Although probate can put some undo stress on an already stressful family situation, probate can be utterly necessary and […]

Can a Trust Buy a House with a Mortgage? Using Your Trust Fund to Purchase a Home Borrowing from a trust can be an alternative to taking a jumbo mortgage, defined as above $417,000 in most markets and $625,500 in some high-price areas such as New York and San Francisco. In some cases, a trust […]

Most of the time, patients who have advance directives — somewhere — and don’t bring them to the hospital have simply left them at home. But lawyers’ offices and safe deposit boxes are also popular locations. All of which are useless if a person can’t direct his own care, or if family members are at […]
Talking to your adult kids about your finances and how you plan to divvy up your money after your death may be one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have. But … the majority of families aren’t comfortable talking about money—at least with one another. What’s getting in the way? The heavy legal work […]