Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

To ensure your exit goals are met and your family relationships remain intact, it’s important to clarify the family succession process right from the start. When you are a family business owner looking to pass the torch, the business is typically your greatest asset and likely the center of the family’s wellbeing. You cannot afford […]

Generally, the best candidates for a prenup, besides anyone with substantial assets, are those going into a second or third marriage, says Bonnie Sockel-Stone, a marital and family attorney in Miami, Florida. A prenup proposal is a bit of an oxymoron. With a marriage proposal, you are pledging to love and care for your future […]

For many people, estate planning is both a private matter and morbid topic – not something that parents want to discuss with their adult children. While having such conversations takes a lot of courage, families that speak freely about these delicate issues can avoid problems down the line. Thinking about your estate, setting up your […]

Aging parents need to establish a plan and communicate it with their adult kids — and adult kids need to ask their parents about their finances. In our own lives, our parents start and run the money conversations from that first allowance to gearing up for those college loans and beyond. Later in life, the […]
“What we’ve found is that donors give — and give more — when confident the money will actually make a difference.” The giving season is upon us as the end of 2013 is near. Charitable donations are an important way of giving back. If you are ready to give back or help out, just how […]
Often, proxies are confused about how “do not hospitalize” orders work. Several proxies believed, mistakenly, that a such an order was equivalent to a request to withhold medical intervention altogether. For elderly loved ones in nursing homes, there is a very powerful tool found in a little known directive known as the “do not hospitalize” […]

You may have to raise some unpleasant issues when you speak with family members over the holidays if you want to ensure a successful retirement. Soon enough families with be gathering together to celebrate the holiday season. There will be much chatter around the table as families catch up with their loved ones. And while […]

Planning for a special needs beneficiary can be incredibly complex, so it’s generally best to consult with a knowledgeable attorney in your state who specializes in this area. Estate planning helps to ensure our loved ones will be taken care of when we are no longer here. These plans are done with great care and […]

A comprehensive estate plan ensures that wills, trusts, ownership forms and beneficiary designations are in sync with your wishes. Is your plan up-to-date? As the old adage puts it, most folks do not “plan to fail, they just fail to plan.” In this sense, leaving an inheritance behind can get a bit tricky and can […]

While the dispute over inherited IRAs has not arisen often, it may crop up more in the future. Does an “inherited” retirement account remain a retirement account for the intended heir? This may sound like a rhetorical question, but it is currently one before the U.S. Supreme Court in the matter of Clark et ux. […]