Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

The result of an “island” mentality is a portfolio that isn’t fitted to the individual for maximum efficiency. A lot is made about efficiency within investment portfolios, but no portfolio can be efficient without considering an investor’s total wealth. No man is an island, as Donne said, and neither is a portfolio. A recent MarketWatch […]

“Now, all of a sudden, sometime without much or any warning, it’s all thrust onto her plate. It’s quite an adjustment for many women, and can be overwhelming at first. Over time, of course, many women become very adept at handling their affairs, which is really inspiring to see.” After a divorce or death of […]

The last big M&A wave happened in the early 2000s, according to Ward. A very active M&A period is usually accompanied by a lot of debate, both within families, and at the policy level, about the pros and cons of having families or professional investors control businesses. Your business is likely an inherent part of […]

While 19 states recognized same-sex unions, as of the end of May 2014, 31 still didn’t. The rift means that couples must take special precautions to have the right estate and emergency-health care legal documents in place – and often on hand. Whether already married or planning to tie the knot soon, same-sex couples need […]

Around 60 percent of those surveyed described themselves as “terrified” of what health care costs could potentially do to their retirement plans. But one thing they did not do was turn to their financial advisors for help with this issue. In fact, a solid majority – 59 percent – of the respondents said that most […]

Sometimes having a plan that isn’t current is worse than not having a plan at all. Have you checked in on your estate plan recently? The wrong executors or trustees can wreak havoc on even the best estate plan. Those whom you designate to act for you under either a financial or medical power of […]

Since for most of us, our children are our foremost priority in life, a Letter of Intent can be a crucial document. And anyone who wants to ensure special care for their children should consider including one with their estate documents; there are no real drawbacks to writing one. For parents, their children are the […]

“We say to people: ‘If you do nothing, your money will go to the state. Is that what you want?’ That’s enough to make them want to consider something else,” says Andrew Russell, a certified financial planner in San Diego. If you have an estate to leave behind when you pass away, but no heirs […]

Many people spend years planning for retirement and think they have it all figured out, until they actually retire. Think you got your retirement all figured out? Just to be sure, review these retirement myths to get the real deal on your golden years. You’ll probably retire earlier than expected. Although this sounds like a […]

A general rule is that Roth IRAs are good accounts to leave to loved ones. Distributions typically are tax-free, and if your heirs follow the rules, they can stretch distributions from a Roth over their lifetimes, allowing the bulk of the investment to continue growing tax-free. “The Roth IRA is pretty much the Cadillac of […]