Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Cancer patients from low-income, at-risk populations face an even tougher road to a cure than those who are well-off. Even if they somehow manage to obtain quality health care and survive their illness, massive medical debt can leave their lives in shambles. An estate planning attorney can be a valuable ally, as can not-for-profit organizations […]

Getting to a successful estate plan can be a tricky road to follow. Laws create a path that has many steep inclines and sharp curves. The biggest roadblocks to a successful estate plan, however, are not written in statute books or government regulations. They exist in the mind. Collaboration between an estate planning attorney and […]

Families in the United States and the United Kingdom who think they can save a few pence by downloading wills from online services are learning the hard way that cheap wills usually become very expensive when the person dies. The only person who gets the bargain is the person who is paying for the will […]

A lawsuit has been filed by 16 of the victim’s families from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings against the shooter’s mother. There are many other lawsuits, but this one may be settled soon, pending a judge’s approval of a proposed settlement. Before going to the Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he would senselessly slaughter […]

For most people, turning down a million dollar inheritance seems crazy – but if you are already wealthy, turning down certain inheritances makes sense. When done correctly, turning down an inherited IRA can avoid increased tax liabilities. You’ll need expert guidance to handle this properly. Large IRAs present certain challenges to heirs. Currently, the beneficiary’s […]

Declaring individuals dead has been made a digital, online task, like so many other time consuming yet important tasks. But hackers declaring a person officially deceased can wreak havoc on those who are not dead – and their estate plans. When 200 live patients in an Australian hospital were suddenly and mysteriously declared dead last […]

Law students at The University of Nebraska’s College of Law are helping military veterans with estate planning in a special clinic that gives the veterans help with wills and other documents while giving law students practical experience. More than fourteen veterans have received free counseling, and it is hoped that the Veterans Advanced Directive Clinic […]

Among the many benefits of having a well-designed estate plan is making the process of administering your estate much less of a burden on your heirs and maximizing assets that can be passed to subsequent generations. Another benefit to be valued – privacy. Estate planning can help your estate avoid probate, the legal process of […]

You are working hard in your pre-retirement years to max out your retirement funds. And while your money should always work, when you do retire your money is going to need to work even harder. It’s time for you to demand more from your money! If you think of your money as a partner in […]

Helping a loved one when they are not able to care for themselves, whether because they are ill or frail due to advancing age, is a challenging task. Oftentimes an adult child is tasked with communicating with doctors, managing a parent’s healthcare and their finances as well. It is a difficult task, but there are […]