Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

The rules that allow first party special needs trusts to protect assets while receiving assistance from the government are being tightened. First party special needs trusts are established by a parent, grandparent, guardian or by court order for the sole benefit of a person with special needs. The assets of the person with special needs […]

For more than half a century after the attack on Pearl Harbor the remains from many of the victims of the attack were difficult if not impossible to identify. Many families of the victims of the attack on Pearl Harbor did not receive the remains of their loved ones to bury. By the time the […]

A no contest clause is sometimes included in an estate plan when people do not want their relatives to challenge the wills and trusts. A trustee could be charged with abuse if they act in bad faith as demonstrated in a recent Virginia case. Estate planning can be difficult when blended families are involved and […]

The competency of Sumner Redstone, who owns a controlling interest in both Viacom and CBS, is being questioned as an ex-girlfriend files an application in probate court to have him declared incompetent. There is considerable disagreement on whether the ex-girlfriend of 92-year-old Sumner Redstone is after his money or out to help her long-time companion […]

Most people will find they need some help in wisely handling a sizeable inheritance to put it to good use and to make it last. It can be the best of times and it can be the worst of times should a large inheritance come your way. It would most likely be a life-changing event […]

Children should always be required to provide for the care of elder parents or so it seems. That may not turn out to be fair in some instances. Every state requires a legal obligation of parents that they care for their offspring but some states take it to the next level and require the children […]

The financial abuse of the elderly is an unpleasant and unfair situation and the investment industry may be in the best position to recognize it. Proposed regulations and laws are being considered to strengthen the industry’s ability to report it. An investment company is in the unique position of often knowing a client’s investing position, […]

Downloading online legal forms brings a risk as well as being popular, easy and cheap. There is a boom today in the ease of downloading online legal forms with expenses as low as $100 or less for some key forms such as wills and powers of attorney but there are also some hidden dangers that […]

Debts, as well as assets, are often left behind when you pass away and it is important to know that all debts are not treated equally. The payment of debts can sometimes be avoided while you are alive through actions such as bankruptcy – but when you pass away, they are often treated differently. Quicken […]

Siblings often argue and sometimes there is nothing that can be done to stop them. But you can take steps to limit the drama after your passing with an estate plan. The death of a parent may lead to siblings bringing up old quarrels and differences. Old grievances, differing points of view or insights the […]