Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Failing to update retirement plans and insurance policies as well as other important papers often leads to problems when it comes to beneficiaries. A fairly common situation of inadvertently giving an ex-spouse money is highlighted in the USA Today “Your ex could get rich if you don’t update your beneficiaries” as it explains how unexpected […]

The Supreme Court’s recent decision legalizing gay marriage requires interpretation as highlighted in the case of a couple’s relationship statuses before the ruling took effect. Mauricio Leyton and his partner David Hunter had a commitment ceremony in 2002 to signify their lifetime commitment when they were not allowed to be legally married. They separated in […]

A trend by banks to not install safe deposit boxes in new branches being constructed could solve some problems for those handling estates. In the past, bank customers often used safe deposit boxes to protect important documents – but today it is estimated only 5% of customers have continued the practice. A recent blog by […]

A legal change involving reverse mortgages may change the attitude of elder law attorneys. An exchange of equity in a home for an annuity known as reverse mortgages often seems like a wonderful solution to home owners as they retire and need additional funds. However, reverse mortgages are not always popular with elder law attorneys […]

People who cash out their mutual funds usually face tax consequences but it’s much simpler for those who inherit the funds. Tracking the price paid for mutual fund shareholders is necessary to know the original value at the time of purchase in order to account for income from the funds and pay the capital gains […]

The spouse is usually named the executor of a partner’s estate but it is important to consider that decision when a divorce occurs. The divorce of the former lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weiland, caused controversy in the naming of the executor of his estate following Weiland’s death last year of an apparent […]

A surviving gay widow and FedEx face off following the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage in what is most likely the first of many cases. Lesley Taboada-Hall, who was a long-time FedEx employee with a pension plan, married Stacy Schuett in a California civil ceremony on June 19, 2013. Taboada-Hall died the next day […]

A family member may not always be interested in taking on the job of being an executor and administering the estate. Since people usually like appointing an executor that they know and trust, they often name a family member or friend to the post. Sometimes when those appointed as executors are informed of the decision, […]

The early signs of Alzheimer’s disease can be surprising. A person does not suddenly become incapacitated from Alzheimer’s disease and early warning signs may be surprising. It is extremely important that people do their estate planning before they become legally incapacitated from Alzheimer’s disease but many people wait until it is too late. Fundamental planning […]

Do not put off calling an estate planning attorney because you’re not sure of the right time. There is never a good reason to not have an estate plan because you cannot know what the future brings. And, as to when you should meet with an estate planning attorney? The answer is now. That noted, […]