Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

People who have approached Medicaid for assistance to help pay for nursing home care have long run into the “Look-back period.” Medicaid is designed to help Americans who are unable to pay for nursing home care but the agency takes a long look at those who have recently transferred assets. Since Medicaid is only supposed […]

A law firm from Great Britain joins the list of those suing the estate of Michael Jackson. A British law firm claiming it was not paid $200,000 it charged for services prior to Michael Jackson’s death has joined the list of creditors suing the estate. But the estate took six years to deny the claim […]

Appeals court in Iowa rules state does not have to protect nursing home residents from predator. The State of Iowa asked a court for permission to release William Cubbage, a dangerous sexual predator in Iowa’s treatment program, and place him in a nursing home. The court found Cubbage was still dangerous but agreed to placement […]

Estate sale features some possessions with historical significance belonging to former Speaker of the House Jim Wright. Jim Wright, who spent 34 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and served as Speaker of the House, resigned in 1989 during an ethics investigation. Wright passed away last year at the age of 92 and his […]

Counties that have a large population of wealthy elderly people also have problems with brokers. Broker misconduct is costing elder Americans $17 billion annually, according to estimates from the White House. An article in Forbes entitled “What Your Aging Parent’s Broker Isn’t Telling You” details a recently released study conducted over a 10-year period by […]

New Medicare rules will reduce the $20 billion payments to doctors for administering prescription medications. Medicare Part B reimburses doctors for administering prescription medication to a patient in a doctor’s office or hospital outpatient facility for the cost of the drug plus an additional 6%. Because the more expensive the medication the more the doctor […]

Older Americans may take advantage of sharing economy to earn extra money or find a place to live. Uber and AirBnB have taken the lead in the new sharing economy despite the controversies surrounding the pros and cons of such services. The services avoid regulations when sharing rides or finding places to stay but there […]

The terms guardian and conservator are often used interchangeably despite having different meanings. Guardian and conservator mean two different things but are often used interchangeably resulting in confusion for the average person. The Motley Fool explains the different responsibilities in “What Is the Difference Between Conservatorship and Guardianship?“. Traditionally, a guardian is a person designated […]

Senior Lives Matter aims to raise the issue of abuse of the elderly to the Presidential campaign trail. The cost of long term care, elder abuse and problems in guardianship systems have not created much discussion on the Presidential campaign trail despite the fact that seniors are left vulnerable to abuse. There is a chance […]

People who have pets often make informal plans to protect their pets after the owner dies but informal plans are not official plans. Pet owners often make informal plans with siblings or best friends about the fate of their pets after the owner passes away but these arrangements have no legal standing because, while some […]