Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Receives Highest Honor Bestowed By NAELA Washington, DC – On Friday, April 15th, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) announced that our Managing Partner, Michael J. Amoruso, was named a 2016 NAELA Fellow, one of only two awarded for this year. Michael’s election as a NAELA Fellow signifies that he is recognized by […]

The Social Security Administration has issued a new policy on explaining why a special needs trust was rejected. The Social Security Administration has moved to clear up some of the difficulties that have arisen in the past when a special needs trust for a Supplemental Security Income recipient was rejected without an explanation. A report […]

The decision to seal the will of author Harper Lee continues to draw questions and speculation. Controversy surrounded author Harper Lee in the final years of her life including the contradiction of stating she did not want to publish a sequel to her novel To Kill a Mockingbird yet another of her novels was published […]

Despite a long delay, another lawsuit is cleared to move forward against Michael Jackson’s estate. Thome Thome, Michael Jackson’s former manager, has attempted for years to sue the estate for commissions he feels is due him for the sale of the Neverland Ranch and Jackson’s music. The estate has claimed that Thome was fired before […]

It is important for most seniors to plan for and receive the largest possible benefit from Social Security. Since many people do not understand the Social Security system, they often do not receive the largest possible benefit check despite having worked most of their lives and contributing to the system. The Motley Fool recently offered […]

Bad behavior charges against a Texas hospice owner may have been sparked by reimbursement system. Texas hospice owner Brad Harris has been charged with overdosing patients and his reasons may have been unintentionally created by the reimbursement policies of Medicare and Medicaid, according to a Fox News report in “Texas hospice owner ordered nurses to […]

Man’s love for model automobiles is passed on to church. While it is not unusual for a church to be remembered in a parishioner’s will in the form of money or securities, it is unusual for a church to receive a house full of valuable model cars. But Minnesota resident Dennis Erickson did just that […]

There are many misconceptions about the federal estate tax. There is no shortage of complaints against estate taxes and there is no shortage of misconceptions about how the estate tax system actually operates but recently Yahoo! Finance cleared up some common misconceptions in “4 Things You Probably Don’t Understand About Estate Taxes,” including: Your heirs […]
Elderly hoarders may face housing problems and some expensive bills. Hoardings creates problems for people who find it difficult to throw things away, making their homes so crowed it is difficult to clean and difficult to navigate. Hoarding can also be a problem for the elderly and for their families as described in “The Painful […]

Medicare considers funding diabetes prevention program. Identifying successful prevention programs and funding them has long been a challenge but there may be a breakthrough on diabetes as the Washington Post reports in “Medicare could soon pay for services to keep diabetes from developing.” A five-year pilot program was conducted at YMCAs throughout the U.S. designed […]