Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

With the U.S. estate tax hitting the century mark there are many questions arising as to its value. The much discussed estate tax has now reached its 100th birthday sparking considerable study on the reasons to repeal the law as Forbes recently listed in “Top Five Reasons The Death Tax’s 100th Birthday Should Be Its […]

Snoop Dogg has followed in the footsteps of entertainer Prince and does not have an estate plan. Snoop Dogg also has no intention of getting one. Despite the recent death of Prince who did not have an estate plan or a will there are still entertainers who don’t mind how difficult it will be to […]

California joins three other states in U.S. that allow physician assisted suicides. Controversy continues in California as the date approaches when assisted suicides become legal. On June 9, 2016, California will become the fourth state to allow doctors to assist terminally ill patients to commit suicide. Beginning on that date, residents of California can request […]

More and more Americans are including their pets in their estate plans. Your estate plan does not have to be just for your heirs. It can include a trust or other measures to ensure continued care of your pets after you pass away. The National Law Review recently offered some advice on steps people can […]

As the court process over the estate of Prince begins to unwind, Heir Hunters of Court TV enter the fray. Entertainer Prince appears to have died without a will and under Minnesota intestacy law, his six siblings and half-siblings are his closest relatives and will receive the estate. However, a Court TV program claims to […]

The absence of an estate plan could make court case messy and expensive. As time passes following the death of entertainer Prince it appears more and more likely that a will doesn’t exist which will most likely prove to be costly to the estate and costly in the millions of dollars. The estate is believed […]

While it is common knowledge that Social Security is in trouble, not everyone knows why. Social Security has many sides that include the good and the bad. On the good side is the fact that Social Security will not run out of reserves until 2034 and on the bad side it will run out unless […]

Proceed carefully when planning to leave unequal shares to your children or your decisions may be challenged. You may have reasons to leave unequal shares to your children when planning your estate but it might be wise to move forward with caution, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Some Considerations To […]

The IRA requires that a final tax return be filed after a person dies and there can be complications. When a person dies the IRS will collect any tax due from the first of the year to the date of death and that requires an income tax return be filed. US News & World Report […]

The conversation between a doctor and his patient on end of life care should be a discussion. The Washington Post recently published an article that described a conversation between a doctor and his patient on end of life care that revealed the importance of listening. The article, “When a doctor and patient disagree about care […]