Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

A third law suit has been filed against the Legion of Christ, a disgraced Catholic order, in passing of Rhode Island woman. When Gabrielle Mee, a wealthy resident of Rhode Island and a devout Catholic, passed away in 2008 she wanted to leave some of her estate to support Catholic causes but problems have arisen, […]

Some simple planning can help avoid the surging of emotions as families deal with an estate. Rising emotions can often cause problems when administrating an estate plan but some practical advice is offered by St. Louis Public Radio in “Four things to know about estate planning that could help you avoid fights with your family.” […]

U.S. residents are allowed to have a trust created in any state they choose. You can have a trust created in any state because you are not limited to the state in which you reside. Which state is the best for your trust depends on opinion as Trust Advisor reveals in “The Nevada Advantage: Why […]

It has taken nearly two years but some states are finally acting on the ABLE laws and regulations. The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE), which was passed in 2014, allows people with disabilities to put up to $100,000 in state based accounts without losing Social Security benefits. But the act also requires states […]

Home state looks to honor Prince and protect his legacy. Right to publicity laws, which protect the image of entertainers, have been enacted in only a few states and Minnesota, where Prince recently passed away, is not one of those states. Without such a law, it is possible the scope of his estate’s rights to […]

The estates of the two sons of Bernie Madoff have to defend lawsuits. Bernie Madoff, who has been convicted of a Ponzi scheme, had two sons but both passed away with one committing suicide and the other dying of cancer. However, lawsuits had been filed against them and the estates of the sons are now […]

Prisoner in Colorado jail claims he is the son of entertainer Prince. Despite the fact that there is no record of Prince having any children, it is expected that many people will step forward with a claim against the very valuable estate and there is already a claim filed from a prison in Colorado. It […]

Cost of nursing home care continued to rise in 2016 but at slower pace than past years. The Genworth study for 2016 has some positive news but also some bad news as Elder Law Answers reports in “Nursing Home Care Costs Are Only Slightly Higher in 2016.” And, while nursing home costs are higher in […]

Why do the estates of some musicians grow after death while others fade away? The legacy of a musician isn’t always luck as the Guardian recently explained in an article about Jeffrey Jampol, “‘This is the pop culture legacy business’: JAM Inc manages artists after death.” Some musicians slowly fade from memory. Their albums stop […]

Japan’s aging population creates need for corpse hotels in residential areas. An increasing elderly population and a real estate shortage have overwhelmed Japan’s crematoriums and there is scarce land for building new crematoriums. The country’s solution is to allow what are being called corpse hotels as reported by AOL in “Japan’s corpse hotels upset some […]