Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

No estate plan or a bad estate plan will most likely result in tough times for your heirs. While not all estate plans are equal, they can generally be easy to implement as Kiplinger wrote about recently in “4 Strategies to Avoid an Estate-Planning Mishap.” They include: Get a basic will that details who you […]

If you don’t pay for an estate plan now, then your estate pays later. People often think they will save money by not having an estate plan but there will be a bill to the estate and it will be paid because estate planning is never free as the Green Bay Press-Gazette points out in […]

You may still be able to protect your family interests even if you’ve waited. Should you be faced with the prospect of impending death you may still have the time to create an estate plans as NASDAQ recently posted in the article “6 Estate Planning Tips for Those Approaching Death,” including: Make sure to get […]

Social Security may run out of money in 2034 unless a solution is found to shore it up. Boosting taxes on the wealthy is proposed, but its success is questioned. The effectiveness of raising taxes on the wealthy to keep Social Security operating has been questioned, according to an article in Trust Advisor “Can Taxing […]

There are programs available that allow you to design your own estate plan, but beware of the problems. The do-it-yourself estate plan may seem simple but can create some serious problems, according to the Northwest Indiana Business Quarterly article “Dangers of DIY Estate Planning.” The article discusses many potential pitfalls of creating your own estate […]

Two of the keys to estate planning are wills and trust, but what does one actually need? Wills and trusts are two of the key strategies for passing on assets in estate planning—with a trust generally being the most complicated. The Brainerd Dispatch recently discussed whether a trust is necessary in “Commentary: When does it […]

There are some documents that everyone needs for estate planning, but there can be additional requirements depending on how complex the estate gets. Some estates are simple, and some estates are very complex and require many, many legal documents; however, all estates need a few basic documents as discussed by the Chicago Tribune in “Documents […]

When it comes to the business of family farming, there are special considerations to passing on assets to one’s heirs through estate planning. Farms generally do not only include land and crops but a pretty expensive tax liability from farm equipment, and they often lack liquid assets to pay taxes as Ohio’s County Journal and […]

Estate planning can help make sure any transfer of wealth goes smoothly. Members of the Baby Boomer generation have made a considerable impact on the country and are about to make another one as they inherit from the previous generation and then pass it on to their children, according to Huffington Post Canada in “Estate […]

There are many, many answers for the best time for estate planning. The best time for estate planning for you is when you are thinking about getting an estate plan, but as the Lowell Sun points out in “Summertime is right time for estate planning,” other answers are also possible. The article suggests that getting […]