Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

“I love you” may not be the best approach in estate planning. The best way to express love for your spouse when it comes to estate planning may not be “I love you,” according to Wealth Management in “A Better Way To Say ‘I Love You’.” A “simple will” normally refers to a will made […]

The creation of a will should not be left to only older Americans. The majority of Americans do not have a will, according to a survey reported by The New York Times recently in “Why You Should Get Around to Drawing Up a Will.” The new survey, which reveals that only 42% of Americans have […]

Arkansas case highlights potential fraud attempts, when large amounts of money are involved in estate. Large amounts of money involved in an estate can create incentives for people to attempt to present fraudulent wills, according to Arkansas Business in “Fake Will Scheme Puts Camden Real Estate Agent in Hot Water.” Matthew Seth Jacobs, who was […]

Legal battles slow down settlement of wealthy Atlanta businesswoman’s estate. Manslaughter charges, challenges and debts have slowed down the settlement of an estate in Georgia, according to Private Wealth in “Estate in Limbo after Atlanta Man Is Charged with Killing His Rich Wife.” The situation developed when Diane McIver, a well-known and wealthy businesswoman from […]

There are five common reasons that fights break out within families over settling an estate. Family members can easily become embroiled in a battle over an estate. Sometimes it is just because family members don’t like each other. However, there are actually five common reasons for the disputes, according to Wealth Management in “Five Reasons […]

Older job seekers may still seek answers following mistrial in EEOC age discrimination suit. An unusual discrimination suit filed without a formal complaint has ended up in mistrial, after a jury failed to return with a verdict three times, according to ProPublica in “Federal Court May Decide If Employers Can Reject Older Job Seekers to […]

Neil Gorsuch has written a book concerning physician assisted suicide. Elder law issues have surfaced in President Trump’s high court nomination, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Neil Gorsuch May Help “Death with Dignity” Legislation.” When President Trump announced that he was nominating Neil Gorsuch to be the next justice of […]

Since people can pass away at any time, it is wise to have financial plans in order. It does not have to be a difficult task to prepare and make some basic decisions for an estate plan, according to MarketWatch which offered some tips in “Prepare financially for your death, no matter how young you […]

An estate battle is often about lots of money, but sometimes it is about the small, but important items. Personal items, especially those located in the family homestead, may well be what sparks a big estate fight, according to Business Vancouver in “Wills: Leave’em laughing.” While you are alive, the personal items are unlikely to […]

Parents say they have discussed family finances with the children, but the children say it just isn’t so. In-depth conversations with the children about your personal finances are not happening nearly enough, according to Forbes in “The Last Taboo: Your Parents Still Won’t Talk About Their Money With You.” People who are not financial experts […]