Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

Reverse mortgages are overcoming their bad reputation with new rules and regulations. Reverse mortgages were created as a tool to ease financial burdens on the elderly and new laws improved them as an option, according to Inforum in “Changes in reverse mortgages make them safer, less expensive.” A reverse mortgage allows an elderly person to […]

As it turns out, everyone would be wise to create a will. The Norman Transcript recently answered some misconceptions about the need for a will in “Wills: Who needs them?“. As it turns out, the answer to the question posed in the article’s title is “everyone.” There is not a single category of adult who […]

Living trusts are the most common in use, but there is another type of trust. While the living trust is used more frequently, there is also a testamentary trust. Many people have the documents that create one, but they aren’t aware of it, according to NWI Times in “Wills can create trusts.” The revocable living […]

Long-term care for future nursing home care may be your best option, but perhaps it isn’t. What your plans are for your estate and your circumstances may determine your need for long-term care insurance, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog discussed it in “Should You Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?“. Medicaid will pay […]

Close attention should be paid to beneficiary designations, by reviewing them on a regular basis and changing them as needed. A recent discussion by the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog “Ex-Spouse Receives Bulk of Insurance Death Benefit” highlights the importance of following your attorney’s advice and updating your insurance beneficiaries to meet changing circumstances. […]

Parents who cosigned student loans for their children, who then passed away, no longer have to pay back New Jersey. The state of New Jersey has been known for taking a hard stand on student loans. However, it has now taken a reverse course, according to Financial Advisor in “N.J. Discharging Loans For Families of […]

If you make no provisions in your estate plan for your spouse, your spouse may elect to take his or her share and the court could alter your plans. There are several different ways to leave an inheritance to your spouse, according to The Times Herald in “Options for leaving an inheritance to a spouse.” […]

You don’t just need a divorce attorney, if you decide to go separate ways. If you end up needing a divorce attorney, it might be wise to consider an estate planning attorney as well, according to Nasdaq in “What to Do If You’re Divorcing Your Valentine.” Valentine’s Day can bring couples closer together or drive […]

Federal rules for availability of funeral home prices are often ignored. Despite federal regulations, people often face difficulties in learning funeral prices, according to NPR in “Despite Decades-Old Law, Funeral Prices Are Still Unclear.” People used to find it difficult to learn the actual price of a funeral, resulting in a federal lawsuit. Funeral homes […]

A clinic in Ohio, which is now closed, is being sued for falsely diagnosing clients with Alzheimer’s and then treating the disease. A number of patients of an Ohio clinic may have intentionally been given a false diagnoses of Alzheimer’s, according to FOX News in “Clinic falsely told dozens they had Alzheimer’s, suits say.” Many […]