Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

senior couple standing together

One has to be very careful with their assets, when it comes to qualifying for Medicaid. A key mistake when it comes to Medicaid is not carefully planning for your assets, according to the Pauls Valley Daily Democrat article titled “Misunderstandings create traps in planning.” Nursing home care is a major expense for many who […]

Women Celebrating Birthday

When senior citizens can no longer live at home, perhaps they should consider an assisted living facility. Senior citizens sometimes do have an option available other than a nursing home when they can no longer live at home, according to the Yorktown News in “What Is an Assisted Living Facility and Is It the Right […]

printing calculator

Following budget cutbacks, the IRS focuses on the rich to get more bang for its buck. The trend by the IRS to switch its focus from auditing the middle class to auditing the wealthy is expected to continue in 2017, according to Private Wealth in “This Year’s Audits Are Bad News For The Rich.” The […]

Elder Couple with Bills

Working with a specialist in estate planning, ensures that you get the best plan. When it comes to things such as health issues, legal matters and estate planning, the wisest course of action is to work with a specialist, according to the Norman Transcript in “The right attorney is needed for wills and estate planning.” […]

Husband And Wife Affectionately Exchanging Christmas Gifts

The Millennial generation gets a lot of attention and may not be thinking about mortality. Millennials may want to take a little time to consider mortality, as well as the need for estate plans, according to the Christian Science Monitor in “Millennials, don’t forget estate planning.” It might seem premature to discuss estate plans with […]

senior couple standing together

People need estate plans, even when they are not holding large assets. Despite the popular myth that only people with large financial holdings need estate plans, people who do not have a large estate do need an estate plan, according to Pauls Valley Daily Democrat in “More on estate planning myths.” Many of the people […]

extended family

An estate plan is more than a will and can solve many problems for you and your family. Some recent statistics point out the importance of Americans not only creating a will, but learning about the options of an estate plan, according to the AARP in “Haven’t Done A Will Yet?“. A new survey reveals […]

Holding Hands with Elderly Patient

New Jersey case highlights the difficulties faced with some right-to-die decisions. Every state has allowed the addressing of the right-to-die issue through living wills that address the person’s views on life-prolonging treatments for the terminally ill, although in New York State, a living will, unlike a health care proxy, does not carry legal weight. While […]

colorful art

Making the decision to create an estate plan, may well ease your family’s pain in the future. If you don’t have an estate plan, you risk putting your family through some unnecessary difficulties, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal in “Estate planning can save your family plenty of money and heartache later.” Not having an […]

Businessman with Coat and Tie Holding House

Reverse mortgages are overcoming their bad reputation with new rules and regulations. Reverse mortgages were created as a tool to ease financial burdens on the elderly and new laws improved them as an option, according to Inforum in “Changes in reverse mortgages make them safer, less expensive.” A reverse mortgage allows an elderly person to […]