Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

The uncertainty of tax reform can make it challenging to plan. The uncertainty of proposed tax reforms moving through the Congress makes the possibility of a spousal lifetime asset trust into an attractive option, according to Wealth Management in “SLATs Provide Flexible Plans for Many Clients.” Like any other trust, SLATs do not have to […]

If you leave them a large inheritance, can they handle it? The goal of determining the correct amount of an inheritance that will help your children, yet not hinder them in creating their own careers, is a challenge, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “New Focus for Estate Planning.” The key […]

It is difficult for the legal system and people to keep up with the rapidly changing world of technology. The legal system has not been able to keep up with the fast-paced world of technology, according to Investment News in “Most estate plans aren’t dealing with digital assets properly.” Many people today are conducting business […]

It appears that the way Americans want to pass away is rarely what actually happens. The training of medical professionals may result in different goals for them than those of their patient, according to The New York Times reports in “We’re Bad at Death. Can We Talk?“. When we get sick, doctors give us the […]

Former executive alleges that insurance companies are overcharging Medicare. A whistle-blower has charged that insurers have used the Medicare Advantage program to make billions of dollars to which they were not entitled, according to The New York Times in “A Whistle-Blower Tells of Health Insurers Bilking Medicare.” The federal government may need to do something […]

If you are considering an estate plan, you need to take a close look at a trust. Trusts are not always better than wills. However, there are at least five scenarios that put trusts out front, according to Wicked Local Norwood in “Five Ways in which a trust is better than a will.” Those reasons […]

The agency tried once before and that attempt didn’t work out so well. The Social Security Administration is planning to try again to make its online accounts more secure by modifying its earlier attempt, according to Investment News in “Social Security Administration steps up online security.” Online information is easy to obtain from the agency […]

Most would prefer to pass away in their homes, but most pass away in a facility. We have made many medical advancements in the last century, so we don’t die as young as we used to or from many diseases that no longer exist. However, most people would still rather die in their homes than […]

It is easy and simple to treat your children equally in an estate plan, but that may not be fair. It can be a difficult task in estate planning to figure out how to divide an estate unequally but fairly between children, according to the Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog in “Dividing Your Wealth […]

Proposal to end estate tax creates questions and not that many answers. The end of the estate tax has been proposed but that does not mean that is the end of the estate tax, according to Investment News in “Trump tax proposal leaves advisers in the dark on estate tax repeal.” The biggest issue following […]