Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP
Author: Amoruso & Amoruso, LLP

“Although uncertainty surrounding the likelihood of tax reform continues for the moment, there are still several wealth transfer strategies that can be considered by those wanting to make gifts.” The uncertainty surrounding the election and possibility of changes to the tax law led many families to make substantial wealth transfers in 2020, especially as the […]

“Sophisticated analyses take into account the tradeoff of receiving no income during the deferral period and more income later in retirement.” Claiming Social Security benefits early costs American households an average of $68,000 in lost wealth. More than a third of Americans claim Social Security at age 62, and two thirds claim long before they […]

“If you’re helping an aging parent navigate Medicaid because they don’t have long-term care insurance or you think you’ll need it yourself someday, it’s important to understand how the program works.” Medicaid is a government program that helps seniors and others pay for long term care. However, it’s not always free, explains the article “What […]

Whenever a new president takes office, “discussions” about taxes are sure to follow. During his campaign, President Biden proposed a number of changes to the tax code that would affect wealthy Americans. One proposal, however, could impact people of more modest means: modifications to, or the elimination of, the basis step-up rule. What do we […]

“When you’re planning to divide your estate unequally, explain the reasons to your heirs, and remember: They might be hurt anyway.” Leaving an equal amount to adult children works for many families, but equal is not always equitable. In those cases, leaving different amounts to heirs can lead to irreparable breaks within the family. A […]

“Many baby boomers may hesitate to discuss money with their children, but the reality is that a massive amount of wealth will be transferred in the next couple of decades.” Some $68 trillion will move between generations in the next two decades, reports U.S. News & World Report in the article “Discuss Your Estate Plan […]

“Although there is considerable legal information and misinformation, it is generally understood that a last will and testament is the device used to distribute property after death. However, the why, how and when are less familiar.” While you are living, you have the right to give anyone any property of your choosing. If you give […]

“By being very selective about who receives which type of money—whether Traditional or Roth IRAs, after-tax brokerage accounts, life insurance, etc.—you can dramatically cut the share that goes to the IRS and increase the amount going to your family.” Not keeping a close eye on tax implications often costs families tens of thousands of dollars […]

“All you have to do is type ‘maximize Social Security’ into Google or any other search engine and you will get hundreds, if not thousands, of hits.” The desire to get the largest possible benefits from Social Security is a relatively new phenomenon. For decades, people received their monthly benefit check and that was it. […]

“The unprecedented quarantines to protect against the spread of the novel coronavirus have made many seniors more vulnerable to financial exploitation.” Social isolation, whether because of a pandemic or because an elderly person is alone, is a leading factor contributing to the financial exploitation of seniors. The necessity of quarantining for older adults because of […]