Year: 2019
“Proposed U.S. legislation would make it easier for employers to offer annuities in 401(k) retirement plans that provide retirees fixed payments for as long as they live.” The role of annuities in retirement planning is one aspect of the Secure Act that was passed by the House in May and is still awaiting a vote […]
“No matter how severe your leukemia is, your medical condition, by itself, will not qualify you for disability benefits.” After getting diagnosed with leukemia, your first thoughts are probably about your health and your future with your family and friends. The disease and the anti-cancer treatments might make you too sick to work. Unfortunately, the […]
“What should you do with the money in your 401(k), when you leave your job?” Your first instinct when leaving a job, for retirement or a new opportunity, may be to take your money with you, by rolling it into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). That may not be such a bad idea. However, keep […]
“The SSA uses the Adult Listing of Impairments, also called the Blue Book, to determine whether your colon cancer is severe enough to make you eligible for disability benefits.” If you have colon cancer, you might need some help with your finances after you step away from your job because of your illness. The Social […]
Sooner rather than later can turn out to be a good strategy. Even though there are many, many excellent reasons to delay taking Social Security benefits, there are some good reasons to take it early that do make sense, according to the Government Executive in “Why You Might Want to Take Social Security Early“. It […]
There are pros and cons to trusts and it is wise to know about them. Revocable trust and irrevocable trusts are excellent tools to be used in estate planning and the key is knowing when and how to use them, according to in “How an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) Works“. Revocable trusts tend […]
Is it true that wealth lasts for many generations? The real root to accumulating and transferring wealth is through supporting education, helping in the purchase of a home or in getting married, according to Fast Company in “5 lies you’ve been told about generational wealth“. Here are a few commonly held misconceptions about generational wealth: […]
Plan needs to address the owner’s personal life and the future of the business. Everyone needs an estate plan but small business owners need to take an additional step and plan for what they want to see happen to their business, according to in “Estate planning for small businesses“. Some of the steps recommended […]
Children may not have to make as many major decisions at a difficult time in their lives. Elder law estate planning can make the lives of adult children easier by setting major goals and tasks in the process, according to the Times Herald-Record in “Three ways for seniors to make things easier for their kids“. […]
Half of all Americans working toward retirement expect to work past the age of 65. You can work and plan your retirement. However, it is possible that you may end up returning to work either for financial, social or other reasons, according to the New Hampshire Register in “Returning to work after you retire“. A […]