Attractive Mixed Race Couple Portrait in the Park.

Life happens and so does death, so it is best to be prepared. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. You always need an estate plan, whether married or single, in order to be sure those left behind are cared for and that your assets are distributed as you wish, according to the South […]

couple running a bookshop

It is a good idea to have a plan, just in case you do retire. Many business owners have worked for years to build up their business and don’t have any intention of retiring. However, that day is likely to come and it would be wise to have a succession plan, according to The Gardner […]

Hand Putting Note Reading "401K" into Piggy Bank

RMDs are legally required and it is best to study up on them, because taxes can be 50%. Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are not always a common name to retirees but they should be, according to Forbes in “5 Things to Know About RMDs“. The withdrawals are legally required and you have to take them, […]

Studying college students

You can no longer make medical or financial decisions for your children without proper paperwork. It is wonderful to bring up the children, make sure they are educated and see that 18th birthday come along. However, it is important to recognize that many things change from a legal standpoint, according to in “Give your […]

extended family

Should inheritance be spent on sports cars and jewelry? Protecting your children from frittering away an inheritance is often done through a spendthrift trust but that trust can also be used to protect them from divorce and other problems that can come their way, according to Kiplinger in “How to Keep Your Heirs from Blowing […]

couple standing together

Where does help become an undue influence? The law is very specific when it comes to disinheriting an adult child, so it is a good idea to be perfectly clear on your wishes or it can backfire, according to the Santa Cruz Sentinel in “No shortcuts when planning estate trust“. It is crucial to have […]

Senior Couple on Computer

Despite strong efforts by scammers, it is still possible to stay safe. We are all vulnerable to identity thieves but much of the action seems to focus on seniors, according to My Prime Time News in “Senior Identity Theft: How to Stay Safe“. More than a third of complaints to the Federal Trade Commission in […]

doctor with female patient

On average, men need help for 2.2 years, while women need help for 3.7 years. Many people will end up needing assistance to care for themselves as they become elderly and that help may not be provided by their children. It might be wise to look into long term care costs now, according to The […]

man touching stars in a rainbow

Instagram messages create challenges for French court. French entertainer Johnny Hallyday, who died in 2017, left behind testaments and Instagram messages causing some major court issues, according to The New York Times in “French Rock Star’s Instagram Defeats His Widow in Inheritance Battle“. Hallyday, a rock singer for more than 60 years, started using Instagram […]

miniature human standing over piled coins

If you receive an inheritance, it is wise to consider the impact. There are many things that can be inherited and one must be careful of the impact on a family’s tax liability, according to the Orange Town News in “Will I Pay Taxes on My Inheritance“. Here is a partial list of different assets […]