Year: 2016
A good estate plan can give your young children proper care and security. Parents with minor children need to make special considerations with estate planning as highlighted in the Forbes article “Will Your Estate Plan Truly Take Care of Your Kids?“. Among those considerations are: Figure out who you would want to be the guardian […]
Since death is inevitable, it might be a good idea to talk about it. Americans hesitate to speak with their families about death and that can sometimes have consequences as Financial Advisor discusses in “Everybody Dies. It’s Time To Have The Talk.” Studies have shown that parents and their adult children often have very different […]
Probate judge not in a hurry to push through Prince’s estate. As more people step forward to claim they are relatives of Prince, his half-siblings seek quick decisions, according to the Daily Mail in “New woman stakes her claim for slice of Prince’s $300million estate as she claims to be his half-sister, alleging the singer […]
The status of an outstanding student loan if the holder of the loan dies varies by type of loan. The New York Times reports in “In New Jersey Student Loan Program, Even Death May Not Bring a Reprieve,” that the state of New Jersey wants its money back because it does not forgive loans when […]
If you are considering an estate plan but don’t know where to begin the first step is looking at the basics. While an estate plan can get complex depending on the circumstances it might be best to take a look at the basics as Yahoo Finance recently discussed in “Understanding the basics of estate planning.” […]
Single people may need estate plans even more than married couples. Estate planning is not just for married people as the Fond du Lac Reporter points out in its article “Easing the burden: Estate planning for singles” because things can get a lot more complicated for single people. The law is set up generally to […]
Singer’s estate heads to court over possession of her Emmy. Whitney Houston’s estate will return to court in fight over the fate of her Emmy award, according to a TMZ report “Whitney Houston Emmy Battle Heading for Court.” Houston won her Emmy award in 1986 for her musical performance at that year’s Grammy awards. Since […]
High school graduates don’t usually consider an estate plan but perhaps they should. Recent high school graduates may be in the market for estate planning, according to the Union Leader in “High School Graduates Have Estate Planning Needs.” High school graduates generally are thinking about going to college or getting a job but perhaps they […]
People who will be affected by your estate plan should be aware of it. Not telling your family members about your estate plans can be a big mistake as the Rocky Mountain Telegram points out in “Retirement and estate planning is a family affair.” Many people do not want to reveal the details of their […]
There are a number of steps to creating and maintaining an estate plan but the key to the process is taking that first step. Creating an estate plan is a process but there are some key steps that make it easier as explained in Kiplinger’s recently published article “5 Tips to Start Your Estate Planning […]